
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Boukman & Lamaretiniere - Trent Miniatures

Remind me next time not to fit my own bathroom, it's taken far longer than planned for and seriously dented by playing and painting time. I think I will still to modelling on a far smaller scale.

I am sure I am not the only one but if I don't pick the brushes up on a regular basis it takes a little longer to get my eye in, with a battalion of half finished French staring at me from the paint table, I thought I would ease myself back in with a couple of leaders for the Haitian campaign which is now likely to kick off in the new year.

Both figures are from the Trent minaitures range and give me a couple of extra options in Sharp Practice for some additional big Men and Women...

First up - Boukman, the first leader of the August 1791 slave revolt in St. Domingue.
Boukman was a true big man reported to have a large and powerful physique and was reputed to be a Voodoo priest. He was killed in battle in November 1791.

Then we have Marie-Jeanne Lamartiniere, a female soldier in Toussaint Louverture’s army.
She fought with Dessalines in the defence of Crete-a-Pierrot against Napoleons invading French.

It seems ages since I last did a show, so really looking forward to Warfare tomorrow where me and the rest of the Wyvern guys are supporting Paul and Kallistra by putting on the Battle of Varna.

It's sure to be bloody, be sure to drop by for a chat if you are at the show, with 000's of Ottomans on the table we will need some help moving them all....

Kallistra on tour 


  1. Very nice command figures - will b e interesting to see you campaign kick off in the new year.

    1. Give me something to do over Christmas as I have a house full and need somewhere to hide :-)

  2. Hope you have a good show and some great figures once again. Bathrooms and kitchens i'm more than happy to pay someone to install them; life is too short.

  3. Very nice figures, Stuart!
    By the way, thank you for the book you advise me to read about haitian rebellion. I have also found a book written by one of Leclerc's generals which is a goldmine of scenarios.

    1. My pleasure Siaba.
      What's the title of Leclerc's general book?

    2. Pamphile LACROIX : "Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la Révolution de Saint-Domingue"
      You can download it (in french) on It relates all the history of St Domingue from the "night of fire" to 1802 with quite a lot of details on units and "battles".

  4. Both look great. Nice looking sculpts as well.
