
Sunday, January 20, 2019

A bag full of heads and yet more Haitians.

A bag full of heads - Well you can imagine the postman's face when he enquired what it was.
The opening moves of the Haitian campiagn is well underway and it's already serving it's purpose as it's got me painting again. Although the back log has just got worse.

Trent Miniatures do a great range for the French in Haiti and with many of their blister packs coming with seprate heads you can build quite a variety into your units, it also means as the units build I can set about creating my own. Surprisingly Trent don't do a pack of a pack of spare black heads however a quick chat with Steve over at Arcane Scenery and a few days later enough heads to kit out several regiments.

Given the trouble Steve went to and how quickly he turned them around, it would be rude not to use the opportunity not to bolster the ranks before the first games kick off.

The prep is done I just need to put paint to metal, with the various head swaps I should be able to field these extra's against the various factions.

First up Trent bodies from their 8th Cavalry with African heads attached, their are several accounts of the Haitian loyals using cavalry in a formal capacity, uniform details are hard to comeby but these should be a nice addition to colonial forces or the Regular Haitian's as they get more organised.

Everyone loves an uprising judging by the number of people picking the cheap but nasty - escaped slaves so another unit of stick welding freemen is in order.

I with the extra heads these Haitian regulars man it out of the spares box, suitable for all sides from runaway soldiers to colonial militia they are bound to see plenty of action.

Reading the Osprey Men-at-Arms publication many of the French of the period wore the conical hats and I wanted to re-present these to give me forces for the Republicans and Royalists. 
I am undecided yet where to paint them in the earlier white or more traditional blue, eventually I imagine both.

Image result for napoleons oversea armies

To get the early war look I took the bodies from the Polish Haiti packs and gave them the round hats from the Colonial cavalry which gave them an earlier war feel, I left a couple of the sombero's and sun hats to break them up a little, they have a far more lived in feel.
I am really looking forward to getting these painted up and in the field.



  1. Looking forward to seeing these with a lick of paint on!

  2. These are some sweet looking minis. Looking forward to seeing them painted.

  3. Great work and look forward to seeing them painted:)

    1. The campaign seems to be having the desired effect albeit in my bank account. :-)

  4. Great work on the metal Stu - look forward to seeing the paint being added!

    1. Not enough time in the day at the moment :-)

  5. Now you need to paint them. I am awaiting the especially for Poles.

    1. Just need to clear down another group of rioters and they are on the table Bart.

  6. The revolutions of the Caribbean and Central/South America are a rather neglected period, looking forward to seeing your progress with this project.

    1. It's been a very slow burning project, but the campaign should help.

  7. I have no idea how to contact you based on the web pages so excuse this interruption. Do you have the rules for CoC Bush War Rhodesia available? Thank you.


    1. Stephen
      I am afraid not, they were a paper copy and I passed them on to a fellow club member who has since moved away, sorry.
