
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Ghost Archipelago - #5 The Rescue.

The first game of the new year and another outing in the Ghost Archipelago.
This is rapidly becoming one of the go to games during mid-week, slowly our little mini-heroes are growing a character of there own and you do feel a little bit worried about putting some of the more experienced characters in the line of fire, for fear of being sent back to the start if they get killed.

This game was a little different I wanted to grow the forces slowly so why not offer a Warden or Heritor up for grabs if you could rescue your man.
Our three hostages are shackled in the centre of the temple guarded by those nasty turtle fellas who are surprisingly hard to dispatch.

Guarded on all corners the poor man's ninja turtles won't move until anyone comes within 10"s of them. So my plan was simple sit back and wait for the others to thin the herd and perhaps killed each other in the process.

The Marines did their usual thing and rushed towards danger drawing a number of the guards away.

Whilst lead proved to be rather ineffective, steel was a far better choice as they went to work on those harden shells.

Meanwhile the Free Company moved forwards grabbing their treasure and pushing forward on the opposite side of the table drawing more of the guards into combat.

Now the Atlantians are devious. They are the sort of people who would stand back and let others do the work. They are the sort of people who would shoot you in the back when you are fighting the locals and steal all your treasure when all the hard work is done. So it is claimed.
I might have by accident shot a Pirate in the back when he was fighting his way through the temple entrance, but I am afraid that photo never made it on to the blog :-)

Meanwhile other bullet heads as they have been rudely nicknamed made hard work of killing two guards.... It took almost all night to finish the little buggers off.

With the Free Comany a number of men down, due to people carry off treasure, a couple of injured due to the heavy fighting in the temple entrance and one of their biggest fighters accidently killed by the bulletheads, they were forced to fall back as their leader fell under heavy blows from the remaining defenders.
The Marines seized their chance having cleared their guards they grabbed two of the prisoners and headed off table.

The sneaky Atlantians with the temple to themselves grabbed the last prisoner, but not before their Warden was taken down by the last remaining defender.... Cheats never prosper....

Whilst the Atlantians may have gained a new character to aid them in their battles I fear I my have burnt my bridges with the Pirates and Marines.....

Let's hope everyone has forgotten the accident by the next game..... I suspect not.


  1. I'm afraid your right, good batrep!

  2. Great looking game Stu - I like the three hostages in shackles - great figures, and you found a good use for them in this scenario!

    1. I picked them up from redoubt its amazing how many differnt games they have appeared in.

  3. Another lovely looking game and one that reminds me of the fun I used to have playing Mordheim, many years ago. I still have the books and maybe one day will knock some figures up for a small game or two.

    1. I found the trick was Steve to keep the games flowing speaking with the guys they tried the first one thinking it would be a flash in the pan, but the character development is similar to your favourite RPG character being killed :-(
      Becuase it's done in about 2 and half hours it's just enough for an evenings game.

  4. Great looking terrain, figures and scenario!

    1. Thanks Dean.
      I keep meaning to base the terrain but it would mean expanding my storage three fold.
