
Saturday, February 09, 2019

Legends of the old West - Gold Hunt in Dead Mans Gulch

It's been several years since we dusted off the outlaw gangs, so when the offer of a Western on Friday, what could I say. Welcome to the ghost town of Dead Mans Gulch.
Four Posses rose at dawn each on the look out for loot and the chance of revenge.

The Secret Wargamers Friend has been slowly building his terrain collection over the past few years and has enough now to make up a full town made up of shops, stables, saloons a bank and jail.

The Scalp Hunters amble into town, like a gang of modern day hipsters they stopped in the window of the hotel and admired their beards. They were on the look out for a bar, whiskey and some Mexican and Indian scalps.

Meanwhile on the opposite side of the table the natives scampered on to the table, looking to kill, well anyone.

At the far end of town the 1950's cowboys wander into town Dean Martin and John Wayne leading the way.

My Mexican bandits hung back keeping an eye on the opening moves waiting for a chance to hunt down the spoils and gold which I am sure is hidden in the first National Bank.


Round one and John Wayne whips Wonder and gallops into town, only to be shot down by the Apache, the murderous savages have only gone and shot his horse.....

Like cockroaches the Indians are everywhere, ambushing a couple of scalp hunters as they clear the upper level of the saloon.

Two more Indians pop up and fire off a couple of shots at my Mexicans as they break cover
it seems at every turn another Indian lies in wait.


The game is barely an hour old and already several figures lie dead, including Emilio who had not fired a shot before he is holed walking down the stairs on to the side walk. Another kill to the flaming Apache.

With everyone under fire from the Indians, the lawmen take cover behind any terrain they can find Dean Martin ducks behind the water pump before an Indian bullet puts an end to his gun fighting days.

Things are hotting up in the Saloon, my Mexicans make a break for it catching De Witt and one of his Posse in the main bar, caught on two sides the gunman is shot down as De Witt makes a break for it and heads upstairs.

De Witt now all alone breaks the glass and begins firing into the street at anyone who comes in range, his heavy pistol takes out Apaches as they come into range shooting through doorways and over fences.

My Mexicans make a break for it running across the street, the Apaches scatter as hot lead whizzes down the alley way. Everytime I get close they seem to be able to slip from my grasp.

With the Indians distracted by the Mexicans the Lawmen make a break for it and head across the main street.

Having secured the Jail they set about laying dynamite to blow the locks of the jail doors to secure the booty and pile of gold coins locked in a cell.

Meanwhile across town the scalp hunters eye their prey or in other words creep up on the Mexican Donkey tied to a fence. They steal him away dirty mountain men :-(

It's long past high noon. With gold coins awarded for kills my Mexican Posse rush towards the Lawmen holed up in the Jail, I get double points if I can take them out so with less than an hour to go, no time to waste.

The Lawmen have the gold but I have the drop on them, Dirty Sanchez bursts in, his six gun ready to spit lead at the Lawmen.

I should have known better John Wayne and Clint Eastwood cash in their fame and fortune points and fire first killing my prize gunfighter and forcing Sanchez to duck for cover. Leaving the Lawmen to lead their mule away with the loot.

Queue the music.
A fine end to the day, a cracking game over great terrain.
I will be back to have my revenge.


  1. 'Like cockroaches' that's a bit harsh! I only took out two of your posse! Look forward to a re-match.

    1. It could have been so many more :-)
      Good to catch up Mark.

  2. Everyone loves a good western!

  3. Not my sort of thing, but a great looking game and one full of action:).

    1. Just nice to get a full days gaming in Steve.

  4. That's a great looking game Stuart!

    1. Thansk Fran, my SWF certainly can put on a nice table.

  5. Lovely looking game with an amazing table.

  6. The western buildings are outstanding Stu - beautiful looking game!

    1. They are Keith it was good to get them back out on the table.

  7. Great buildings!
    Wonderful looking game thanks for posting Stu!
    I have the Deadmans Hand rules I must dig them out!

  8. Great Post by the author.Thanks for sharing such an awesome blog.
