
Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Pearl of the Antillies. - The Haiti Campaign - End of Day Three - 3rd August 1791

Somewhat later than planned Day 3 concludes and the combatants are starting to get into battle positions, with intelligence reaching the main commanders of enemy movements and intentions.

Rats, thieves and third columists continue to be a problem with forces across the island losing regularly losing supplies to the unwanted guests.
At the end of Day 3 Toussaint Louverture see's his supplies reduce by 1 sack of grain, however his continues his expansion across the region. However he is starting to run out of room with enemy forces now on his Northern and Eastern borders.

In the North East the region is fast becoming a tinderbox as the various factions move to secure strategic objectives, Bahon is secured by the Royalists as well as the coastal village of La Borgne.The stockade is empty and of enemy troops and they secure the 4 Pdr Artillery piece housed there.

Dutty Bouchman continues his advance into Royalist territory his troops continue to clear plantations of their white landowners, in one such encounter he free's a religous leader who was being whipped by the overseer. This spiritual leader is Bébé Coutard who joins Dutty's mainforce. The vodou priest will give a valuable boost to your men.

Image result for vodou priests drawings

The Spanish are on the move with a detachment of troops leaving the regional capital and heading to the border.

Meanwhile in the south of the country the phoney war is about to come to a head as Republican Dragoons have been driven off from Kencoff by a force of Mulatto Infantry who have marched up the mountain side. No shots were fired and cavalry remain in the area not wishing to engage with the free blacks, but not wishing to lose sight of their intentions either.

Both sides continue to forage supplies in the local area for the looming conflict.

The recent and unexpected rain fall has had serious effects on some of the forces, Gen Dessairies in the south is taken sick by Yellow fever and has been fored to retire to his bed, no actions are available on day 4 for his main force.
Image result for yellow fever napoleonic victims

This could be critical as news has reached his aide's that British have be romoured to be gearing up for a move from their base in the East of the Island.


  1. Great stuff Stu - excitement is building nicely - should be seeing some combat soon I imagine!

  2. This is all shaping up very nicely:)

  3. Okay every side should have a voodoo dude he looks great in the sketch...
