
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Saturday Evening Round up.

Well so much for no new projects - Thanks Karl @Crooked Dice.
Being of a certain age, who could not be tempted by the latest release from Crooked Dice, I have no idea how these not "V" figures will fit in with any of the other projects, but that's half the fun.

Having raided the understair cupboard for the original mini series box set, I also picked up a bunch of novels for under £2.00 each. I minor distraction from the current projects honest :-)

I figured with so few colours if you on the average Shock Troopers I could get them finished over the weekend. The only challenge is to go for Red or Dark Orange as both seem to be in use in the TV show.
Related image

I got them undercoated and ready for painting tomorrow, it will be a welcome break from Haitian Infantry.

Meanwhile I finally got around to painting the doors and windows on the Spanish Church. It does look far better. I have an order coming from Tablescape in the days ahead to build my Haitian Village and the doors and windows will definately need an upgrade.

Meanwhile lead mountain got a little larger with the arrival of Antediluvian Miniatures Kickstarter, I am a big fan of their sculpts and they will fit in with some of the future Ghost Archipelago games.

Right back to the brushes....


  1. Those Crooked Dice figures look great Stu - I too remember V with some fondness, all those 80's style ladies with big hair, shoulder pads and shiny red lip gloss - Diana is the only name I can remember but I know she had a blonde nemesis as well!

    1. Lydia..... :-)
      The likeness to the series is fantastic - well done Crooked Dice.
      Now for the shuttle craft...
      I should have them complete by this evening.

  2. Blimey, I'd forgotten about this TV series, that was essential viewing when at Uni/my early career, as I didn't have a video recorder. Can remember bits of fit but will check out Youtube etc.

    On a related note, we found that Forces TV is re-running Space 1999 which we both loved. The models and scenery are superb, but the costumes haven't aged well as it was released in 1975. Flares and cuban heel boots are hard to take seriously!
