
Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Pearl of the Antillies. - The Haiti Campaign - End of Day Five - 5th August 1791

Day 5 draws to a close and for many real life has slowed any decisive moves or could it be with reinforcements only a day away, commanders are awaiting for a wave of new recruits?
However we do have our opening battle in the North East more on that later.

This is how the map looks at the close of Day 5.

The Spanish Commander – Joaquín Moreno is keen to stamp his authority on the region crosses the border and prepares to assault the village of Ferrier, the local slaves have been in open revolt for over a week and many of the planters and whites have been in hiding fearing for their lives. They hope that the Spanish Colonial forces will bring some order to the local area.
Image result for haiti slave revolt 

We have a battle at Ferrier should be fought over the next 10 days or so and will be the first for many of the factions to see how regulars stand up against the rebellious slaves.
Expecting death on both sides Princess Amethyste forces are bolstered by a Physic and a number of Nuns from Cap-Haitian looking to tend to the wounded in the battle ahead.

The region is hot bed of rebellion with Dutty Buchman's forces continuing to shadow the royalist forces in the mountains over looking Cap-Haitian.
Meanwhile the British under General Thomas Maitland continue their advance arriving at Corall. However the heat and forced marches have caused one group of Maitland's mainforce to ditch their scarlet tunics and slip out of camp one evening to join the freemen of the island. Damn the revolution...


To the North the French Royalist/Planters under Viscount de Blanchelande secure the artilley at Palmiste, it's been quite the journey but they are now have a shiny new 4 Pdr to add to their armoury.

Meanwhile the other factions continue to eye each other but no one is making any movement towards one another.

In the south of the island the stand off at Kenscoff continues, the French Republican forces of  Léger-Félicité Sonthonax scout the outskirts of the village but neither the revolutionary French or Riguard make a move.

As the day draws to a close a wave of yellow fever sweeps the Republican camp and Sonthonax is forced to take to his bed for the next 24 hours.

Related image

Stay tuned for the Battle of Ferrier.


  1. Its a great build up Stu - look forward to seeing how the first battle goes!

    1. Let's hope so... Far to much dancing around for my liking :-)

  2. Looking forward to reading about the first action, which might stir the others too.

    1. Island a flame :-)
      This should be a good one.
