
Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Pearl of the Antillies. - The Haiti Campaign - End of Day Six - 6th August 1791

The sun sets on day 6 as factions go into a day of recruiting but not before in the North of Haiti the Slave army of Dutty Boukman attacks the French forces holding the Fort at Bahon....
In later years there was an extensive building programme to defend against future French invasions, but bad news for the Viscount de Blanchelande the fort on our battle won't be this impressive.
Image result for bahon haiti

The French Royalist forces whilst out numbered perhaps as much as 2:1 do have the advantage of defending and have the newly acquired cannon to add to their forces.
But the Slave forces are lead by the infamous Dutty Boukman.

Dutty Boukman
Boukman born in Jamaica he was sold to a plantation in Saint-Domingue after he was caught teaching enslaved Africans to read. The moniker “Bookman/Boukman” was an indication of how slave owners viewed enslaved Blacks at the time who knew how to read.

One of the early leaders of the revolution he said to have declared at one of the meetings at Bois-Caimon, "God who has created the shining sun above … is watching us and sees the misdeeds of the whites! The God of the whites demands crime … Our God who is so good orders us to take vengeance!"
Rumoured to be over 6 foot tall he was quite the leader until captured by the French and beheaded, The French hoped to quell the revolution by parading Boukman’s head on a stake. Let's hope he fairs a little better in our campaign.
Meanwhile as the opposing forces ready themselves for battle by bringin in local reinforcement to add to the fight. The Spanish reinforce their hold on Ferrier having watched Princess Amethyste forces retreat over the river at Mahon. The Slave forces are in a sorry state with numerous wounded slowing their movement add to that the poor camp conditions they lose another sack of supplies to a plague of rats.... Things are not going well for the Company of Africans.

Meanwhile seeing his competition now heavily engaged the Haitian Loyalist General Toussaint Louverture makes his move advancing on the border where George Biassou and his rebel forces have been waiting for the likely attack.... Both sides wait for reinforcements to bolster their number before what is to be a mighty clash.

To the south things remain unchanged all factions continue to prepare for war, building defences and foraging for supplies content to see how things pay out in the north of Haiti.

The British working to their own agenda are distracted by a rescue mission to save a Damsel in Distress. A Lady’s maid joins their force and begs Maitland for assistance. The Lady has been captured by revolting slaves and is being held close by. Maitland dispatches forces and rescues the lady without losing any men. Lady Charlotte joins his forces for the remainder of the campaign.
Stay tuned for the Battle of Mahon and the first encounter between the French Plantation owners and the Insurgents & Maroons.


  1. Great scenarios outlined above Stu - did you game the rescue of Lady Charlotte - sounds like it would have been fun! I am looking forward to the clash at the fort at Bahon…..

    1. No sadly not, although did think about using Songs of Blades asa short evening game, just for fun.

    2. Song of... series of rules great for small skirmishes!

  2. I'm sure that it will be great game!

    1. Lets see Bart... Fingers crossed.

  3. Replies
    1. Always a good excuse for a game Ray.

  4. Campaign developing nicely thanks for posting the storyline 'stuff'. Cool pics too...
