
Friday, May 10, 2019

The Pearl of the Antilles. - The Arms race continues - Reinforcements end of week one.

As the campaign closes after the first 7 days in the field each player gains a number of additional support points to add to their core forces.

These are based upon the number of towns and villages held with each garrisoned location generating 1D4 support points.
The results after week one are as follows.

British – Thomas Maitland – RED - 10 Points.
French Royalist/Planters – Viscount de Blanchelande – WHITE - 17 Points.
French Republican – Léger-Félicité Sonthonax – BLUE - 16 Points.
Spanish – Joaquín Moreno - YELLOW - 10 Points.
Mulatto – André Rigaud – BLACK - 14 Points.
Ex-Slaves - Dutty Boukman – ORANGE - 14 Points.
Ex-Slaves – Georges Biassou – PURPLE - 13 Points
Ex - Slaves - Princess  Amethyste - PINK - 13 Points.
Haitian Loyalists - Toussaint Louverture – GREEN - 20 Points
Haitian Loyalists - Jean-Jacques Dessalines – GOLD - 17 Points.
Haitian Loyalist - Christopher Henry - BROWN - 16 Points.

The support points can be applied to the location of the field commander or the various region capitals.
Alternatively they can be "banked" in the capital to be spent in later weeks. 

The knock on effect of this of course, is that players are becoming more demanding of their troop types and what they want to field, which means I need to paint more, I should not complain really as that should was the idea of the campaign in the first place to try and clear the backlog of unpainted metal.

With that in mind, I finished off three for leaders for the Insurgent and Haitian loyalists, I spotted these on the Northstar site for their Dracula's American - Congregation Posse and whilst a couple of them are armed with firearms far too advanced for the period they are a good fit for additional bigmen.

Next up the yet more Frenchies to counter the new leaders.


  1. Great work on these extra leaders Stu - I hope the lead pile is reducing as planned!

  2. Nice job they turned out well.
