
Saturday, June 08, 2019

The Pearl of the Antilles. - The Haiti Campaign - Day Nine - 9th August 1791

The orders are in and after a lull to reinforce. The fight for control of the Pearl of the Antilles is underway once more.

Across the island the various protagonists make their moves.

The British under Thomas Maitland continue their onward march along the peninsula knowing that the day will soon come that they will have to engage the defenders of the island. 

Meanwhile the Republicans and Free Mulattos under Andre Rigaud continue to view each other with suspicion waiting for each other to make a mistake or show their hand.

To the North the French Planters ready themselves for future engagements. After the attack by rebellious slaves at Bahon, they scout the surrounding area for the enemy to establish their number and directions of potential attack. Dutty Boukman and his forces bloodied but unbowed spread around the surrounding high ground and cut the routes back to the regional capital. If the Planters are to receive future reinforcements they are going to have to force their way through the slave lines. 

The Royalists sailors arrive back at Le Borgne with their prize.

Elsewhere the Spanish Colonial forces are unleashed on the slave forces of Princess Amethyste the Spanish having probed the river bank to to find a suitable crossing, The slaves ready themselves against the aggressors looking to put them back into Slavery. 

Toussaint Louverture continues his offensive against his rival Georges Biassou having pushed him back at the Battle of Bassin-Bleu he needs to keep the pressure on his rival and his slave forces, Battle is joined with Louveture looking to inflict far more damage than the opening skirmish.

So two battles to fight this turn, good job the first of the Spanish are on the paint table.

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