
Sunday, July 07, 2019

Crooked Dice - 28mm Visitors - V The Original Miniseries - The return.

Having played out a couple of encounters between the Visitors and African militiamen in Zikanga I had a couple of gaps in the Visitor faction that I wanted to fill. Images of other fellow gamers playing V are still a little hard to come by but Twisted Pinnacle has provided inspiration for a couple of conversions from the Crooked Dice Range.

First up more Visitor Shock Troopers.
The Visitors attempt to integrate with the local populations of earth so if they are going to be garrisoned in the Zikanga region I figured I would need some local looking troopers so I have added in a couple of black troopers with a couple of head swaps from the original blister packs.

Human sympathisers - Visitor Youth Programme. In the original mini series they appear to be used as as a PR exercises, so I figured let's extend this to guard duties and general patrols, besides it gave me a chance paint up the minion dog section.
The Officer has a Visitor cap and glasses to integrate him into the Visitor forces. Not suere yet whether he is a reptile or a mammal...

The contrast in colours will separate the various troop types and the dog team will come in very handy in keeping the locals in order.

Finally a security trooper armed with a blaster rifle and a Visitor scientist with a briefcase full of secrets or perhaps a hamster snack...

The full Visitor Faction.
Considering the original blister pack was only 8 figures I now have a 23 figure strong collection with Shock Troopers, Security Troopers, Technicians and Members of the youth programme that should be more than enough for most secenarios.

Now if only Crooked Dice were to produce a landing craft :-)

And remember they are our friends.........


  1. Very nice! Looking forward to reading the next episode right here.

  2. How many! You should be painting Koreans!

    1. Don't to do something while I wait for the bases to stick :-)

  3. Great additions Stu - look forward to the next V encounter! Of course, you could always have Diana's faction fighting Lydia's faction.....

    1. And that's without the 5th column...
      Where will it end :-)
