
Friday, August 23, 2019

Cotswold Wargaming Day - 1st September

Next Sunday see's the Pearl of the Antilles taking a road trip down to Northleach, for the Cotswold gaming day. August is always a challenge on the gaming front with high days and holidays so this serves as a great kickstarter to the autumn and hopefully more hobby time than what I have been able to achieve over the summer.

I missed the event last year but Keith has done a great job pulling together a number of interesting games and with 30+ gamers booked in already it's sure to be a fun packed day.

The games cover a range of periods and rules sets so plenty for everyone.
  • 19th century action in Mexico
  • WW2 Battlegroup Panzergrenadier
  • SYW
  • Air Wargame, ‘Bombing Berlin'
  • Crimean War, Bloody Big Battles
  • ‘Liberdy’, a Wild West game
  • 'Sawmill Village'
Players get the opportunity to experience the different games on offer with players encouraged to invite people into play, which is a great way of being tempted into a new period or experience a new rule set.

A 'wargames exchange' to sell, swap or give away to other gamers is available. It's the perfect opportunity to pass on things to other gamers that you know will appreciate the models or reading matter, items to good for your regular jumble sale.... Do people still have jumble sales???

I shall be hosting a Sharp Practice game featuring our old friend Claude Canard of the French Sloop "Le Vendeen" as he attempts a rescue women and children from the slave rebellion in Haiti.

Claude's had a make over and find himself shipped from Egypt to Haiti so lets see if he has more lucky in another of France's outposts.
4 commands are available on the day so plenty of room for people to dip in and out.

The event is being held at:


The Westwoods Centre

Bassett Road


Gloucestershire GL54 3QJ

Sunday 1st September 2019, 10.00 - 17.00

Looking forward to seeing everyone and a day of gaming.


  1. Look forward to seeing you there and having a bit of a catch up, if time and our respective games allow. It will be nice to see your game in the flesh so to speak.

    1. Looking forward to it Steve, it would be great to catch up.
      Like wise it will be good to see the Crimean game getting an outing.

  2. Hope it goes well bit too far for me 🙂

    1. One day Matt we will coem to you.
