
Monday, October 21, 2019

Escape to the Country - Part 2

Having your own gaming space does have it's advantages, it means you can keep the table set up to continue where you left off. So part 2 of our walk in the Worcester countryside.
I am sure those sneaking dead fella's had crept forward since last week....

As we saw in part one as the dead increased their grip on the urban areas, the living were forced into the countryside for supplies and protection from the risen. But nothing brings the dead shambling your way than loud noises. So you can imagine what the blast of a shotgun will do.

Things start badly for the cops, stuck in a fight to the death the Sarge yells for help and is joined by his unit including little Timmy who clearly got carried away swinging his crowbar into the cadavers unfortunately he is brought down by the rotting mass.
The Sarge gets away dragging an unconscious comrade as the dead munch down on poor Timmy.... Welcome to turn one. Gulp....

Meanwhile whilst the forces of law and order look to restore law and order the nasty bikers continue to rob the place.

Whilst Timmy is being served up as a starter, the Mercia Boys fall back grabbing their breath for a few moments, when up pops a silly little girl was a pea shooter who lets off a round at the police.
No respect some people.

A volley of shotgun blasts sends the bikers for cover ducking behind the burnt out wreaks. But not before the detective catches one square in the chest and as he lies on the floor another round strikes him through the skull....
We went all last week with no casualties then two in less than an 20 minutes.

Now at this point we should have perhaps took stock and turned on the dead but no, we had to get into a gun fight and as both sides blazed away the dead increased in number appearing from doorways and alleys.

The tide of death reached us both. The boys in blue stood in the street as the walkers clawed at their body armour. Whilst the Bikers tried to slip past the garages to head back to their car but were chased by yet more walkers.

Now we may be knee deep in the dead, but we both still found time to fire off a shot or two at the only living on the board. It seems that old habits are hard to shake off. The Sarge takes a blast to his flak jacket which knocks him to the floor, he lashes out kicking the dead away.

Bow girl finally runs out of arrows and becomes the main course. The dead rip at her flesh and she is consumed by the risen.

Whilst the dead feast, the police make a break for it and what better way to distract the dead than with a few fresh meals, blasting away at the fleeing bikers who are knocked to the ground by the close range shot. 

Unable to recover from their wounded and shaken status they are caught by the walkers who tear into them. Brainzzzzz…..

Both sides decide that enough is enough and headed back to their vehicles far fewer in number than at the start of the day. Low on ammo and a little battered. but on a brighter note the supplies that they had picked up would last that little bit longer with fewer mouths to feed.

A cracking game
With us all itching for more.


  1. This is my favourite scenario at the moment. Loving the look of it and the way it plays.

    1. Thanks Michael one of the best games for ages :-)

  2. Great looking game Stuart! Got to love zombies.

    1. The Mantic ones are great, any period... They always make for a fun outing...

  3. Great atmosphere in the photos. I really like the table and terrain.

    1. Thanks CS. My wargaming buddy has done a cracking job.

  4. Replies
    1. My thoughts exactly, I really did feel for the little metal heroes :-)

  5. Another wonderful looking game!

  6. Excellent gaming table! Fun romp for all involved...well except for Timmy. Really like your burnt out vehicles. I bought some plastic ones to try making into burnt ones....

    1. The things you can do with a blow torch and a box of matches :-)

  7. Nice report. I do love the mantic zombies enmass they look like they are sweeping along in a horde.

    1. Definitely the best on the market, just sold off my modern versions as they simply could not cover enough time periods.

  8. Phew!! The Sarge made it (Well done). I hear that SWF got a good deal on some magnificent riot police. I think they would have looked good on his table above, and helped you against the Hordes....but not sure how long they would have lasted tho??? Ps, he is looking for some 'unburnt' police vans to complement the burnt one above, if you have any ideas. Another great report - I enjoyed reading it and could almost feel the tension :-)

    1. He did.... They and a bunch of rioters.... which he needs to paint quick smart.
      That flash back scenario is just waiting to be played :-)

  9. I like the look of these "fast/swarmy" zeds more than the shuffling around looking for the car keys types.

  10. What do you call an opponent shot in the head.. a waste. One shot in the knees? A Diversion!

    IMO 'shamblers' are more realistic than the 'scramblers'
    EX; Resident Evil 'started' out great. but by 3rd? film, the dead are armed and driving, seriously?
