
Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Russo Japanese Village clash.

A little behind on my postings.
With the latest Cossack releases by Tsuba Miniatures it got me thinking about going back to the RJW project and converting it to Sharp Practice 2, but more on that later..

It was high time the Japs and the Russians got an outing.

A small hamlet in Northern Korea, the Russian have sent a section of Infantry to the village of hyjinx to secure provisions for the regiment. Japanese scouts spot the small Russian force and pull together a raiding force to launch a raid.

The Russian's are thinly spread throughout the village unsure of direction of the Japanese attack. The Japanese have around 30 men but the village is strongly defended.

Choosing the right hand side of the village the Japanese rush down the main road looking to swamp the pickets before the rest of the Russians can react, bursting into the courtyard they fire into the defenders manning the outer wall.

The Russians rush forward to block the road, whilst others fired from the windows facing the road.

In the courtyard the defenders attempt to block the gateway as the Japanese pour in, into the grounds.

Meanwhile as the Russians pull extra men to defend the right flank, the Japanese rush forward a third section on the left. The Russian defenders man the windows looking to keep the attackers out.

On the left, the Japanese capture the house on the right and look to force the door on the second house as the fight for the courtyard continues. Casualties are heavy on both sides but the Japanese are slowly gaining the upper hand.

On the right the attackers are pinned against the fence, but they had drawn in enough defenders for the attackers to capture the buildings on the far side of the village.

Great to get the figures on the table.
There have been a number of new releases since I last added anything to the collection, it will be an interesting exercise to see if I can move Sharp Practice along 100 years to include MG's and magazine fed rifles.

That should keep me busy for a while.


  1. Cracking little encounter Stuart, I do love this range of miniatures as well.

    1. Thanks Michael, roll on the autumn show season and some new toys :-)

  2. A wonderful village to fight, nice looking game!

  3. Great to see these chaps n action again:)

    1. It's been a while Steve. You never know they might make an appearance next year at Keith's event :-)

  4. Wonderful!
    I like seeing your RJW games it's such an undergamed War...
