
Saturday, December 14, 2019

Saturday Paint Table - Yet more Haitians.

Just a short post today as pressure is on to venture into the loft for the numerous Christmas boxes. Deck the Halls etc, etc....

These are the latest releases from Trent Miniatures more rebellious slaves armed with knives, swords and axes. They come with a number of extra limbs so you can vary he weapons.
Some nice poses and very useful to bolster the masses that can do some much damage in hand to hand within the Sharp Practice rules.

Meanwhile prep continues on the Fingoes from Perry Miniatures Cape Wars range. A couple of tweaks, largely removing feathers and the like and they should be able to double up are more insurgents for Haiti.
Will they get completed before the start of 2020?

I have started cleaning up a couple of other extra units purchased from e-bay over recent weeks.
More on those in future posts.