
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Dispatches from the front IV

Some weeks you just can't get your eye in, I sat in front of the paint table and just could not focus on the mini warriors in front of me, is it my age?
But pressing on I had bunch of Warbases that needed finishing for the forthcoming Warlords of Erewhon games, in particular the 3 man command stands. Human forces are on 2p piece based, whilst the undead are on 1p's not ideal but it will give a sense of mass for the forces of darkness.

Lots of dry brushing and flocking and they are ready for the table.

Meanwhile trying to stick to the plan of setting myself a monthly target, next month is Tudor February so I began prepping the Foundry troops for the painting queue. Many of these have been in the paint queue for years, but a number found their way here due to the recent Foundry Christmas sale, once complete I should be able to field 3 new pike blocks for the trained bands an extra unit of Calviers and half a cavalry unit.

Another year older, not necessarily wiser.
The family have come good this year and have been very generous in their gift giving, guided by our good friends at Amazon.

Plenty of reading material for Haiti and the Ancient Middle East project planned for the second part of the year, perfect for the long train ride that I find myself doing on a regular basis for work.

Extra river sections from Battlefield in a box although why are the regular sections so difficult to find these days?

And some extra's for the Far East project my Marines and Japanese have set boxed away for a number of years, I figured I would give Bolt Action a try after having some good experiences with Warlords of Erewhon, I was involved in some very early playtesting many years ago when Rick came to the club.

The extra armour for the US forces will come in handy and the Brits, well. why not.....

The paint queue is filling up quickly for the year ahead. 
Right back to the brushes.


  1. Wooo a lot going on, a lot to read a s lot to keep you busy. I know many don’t like bolt action but for me it works at just the right level.👍

    1. I thought I would give them a go Matt, rules should be simple and fun, CoC was starting to fall into the likes of WRG 6th Edition or perhaps even Saga where knowing the rules was more important that table top decisions...

  2. Plenty of stuff to keep you busy Stu. I find if I'm not in the mood for figures, I work on scenery, which feels as if I have actually achieved something, which of course I have.

    1. So very true Steve, bases I don't mind, buildings :-(
      Almost as bad as painting horses.... :-)

  3. Nice work getting your hands on all that loot Stu. I must try giving my young adult children a suggestion list again this year. I did it too late for Christmas and they gave me a very nice bottle of Oban malt whiskey which is very nice of them but the money could have been better spent....��

    1. I am the same I managed to persuade the kids this year that a blister pack is more fun than over priced tat or generic broad military history books :-)

  4. Nice loot! Look forward to seeing the Pike blocks being done!
