
Monday, February 24, 2020

The Elizabethan Zombie Chronicles #3 - The Batlle of Barnford

Having regrouped after the attack on the camp the Spanish under Captains Fanez and Cabanellas marched towards the Hamlet of Barnford, they had to clear the village if they were to secure a base of operations for future campaigns.

By now the Spanish Captain's had become cautious to the ways of the dead, the archway into Barnford was clearly a trap...

The cavalry flanked the village and galloped into the village square charging down a werewolf before it had a chance to counter charge. The square was full of the dead, the cavalry commander swallowed hard, had they bitten off more than they could chew this time?

Wave after wave of evil creatures scrambled to attack the cavalry, each time they beat back the dead and foul beasts until finally down to two valiant souls they were forced to retreat.

Meanwhile the Spanish main forces spread out to attack the village, with the cannon covering the main gatehouse.

The dead when not under the direct command of a witch have no concept of control and shamble forwards looking for living flesh to feast upon.... 
The Spanish had quickly become veterans from their first encounters and teased the dead out from the village, waiting behind the hedge row and shooting several down before they could reach the defenders.

Fanez spotted an opening in the ranks of the dead and charged into the Witch and her escort, she had been sitting back casting a chill wind across the Spanish troops but was caught cold by the lightening attack, stripped of her escort she broke and ran.

Battled was joined on all fronts as the dead clashed with the living. slowly the dead fell and their number became fewer...

In a final act of defiance the dead overran the cannon consuming the crew before they were dispatched by a group of sword and bucklermen.

The bulk of the dark forces destroyed the Witches fell back from the village leaving Barnford to the Spanish who mopped up the remaining zombies who without their controllers were no threat to the victorious spanish.

Another fun encounter.
The Witches and their spell casting created a new treat for the humans, who lost a number of soldiers to the chill wind cast across the battlefield. 

Next up the Spanish go on the offensive.
But the dead will be waiting....


  1. Very cool! I like the period and flavor of this game a lot. I can see creeping into this period with a scenario like this.

  2. Another great game (love the gatehouse) and really love this 'period'.

    1. Thanks Steve, nice to get some of the old toys on the table... Next up the bridge ;-)

  3. This never fails to thrill Stuart, always a blast.

    1. It's certainly helping to clear the backlog Michael.

  4. Great game Stuart secretly I am rooting for the dead 🙂

    1. I just need to paint more... That must be the answer Matt.

  5. Great looking game and nice report again Stu.

    1. It's really starting to come together...
      Just need to think about what I can top up the evil with, without turning it into GW fantasy oddities.

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