
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Elizabethan Zombie Chronicles #2. Attack on the camp.

After their first encounter on English soil Captains Fanez and Cabanellas and their detachment made camp at a small holding on the road to Barnford, they ordered their men to pitch their tents and the cavalry were sent off to scout the surrounding area.

As the sun slipped below the surrounding hills, the camp was attacked by forces of the Army of Darkness.

Cabanellas rang the alarm and his troops rushed to defend the camp...

Half the Spanish forces were able to deploy with 12" of the centre of the table, whilst the remaining forces rushed to reinforce the camp from the second turn.
The forces of evil attacked from all sides with half their forces deploying on the first turn and the second half appearing on the second turn, they are able to appear on any edge as along as it is not immediately following a human unit.

The Witches had learned from their early skirmish and stood back casting a deadly chill across the Spanish defenders. Troops cowered under the evil spell and picked up early pins. 

However the early successes were not to last as Spanish reinforcements rushed to defend the camp from the evil creatures they caught a number of the old hags in the rear, killing them and their zombie body guards.

In the confusion of battle and as day turned to dusk, zombies pushed towards the centre of the camp. Closing with the defenders, the decaying husks were struck down but not before they had inflicted a number of casualties on the camp defenders.

Meanwhile in the woods to South of the camp Spanish troops attempted to clear the woods of attackers only to be set upon by more evil forces being drawn to the sound of battle, wolves charged into the Spanish Calviers who were torn to shreds by the foul beasts and the Werewolves.

The wolf pack and the werewolves prepare to charge again.

Captain Fanez rushes to support his men killing a number of the werewolves before the Vampire swept in killing his bodyguards and striking him down.

Meanwhile the shambling dead entered the camp but with each passing turn their number got less and less as the Spanish struck them down with sword and shot.

As the Spaniards secured the camp the final attack from the werewolves charged in killing several defenders before they were destroyed and the remaining attackers slipped into the darkness.

A closer scenario than the first, the Werewolves are vicious on the attack but lack the numbers to sustain more than a single round of combat. The zombies have the numbers but with such a low resistance score don't last long...… but that's what I had in mind, I guess I will need to paint more...

Next up the Spanish reach the village of Barnford…..


  1. Another great looking game and AAR Stu.

  2. Looks like great fun Stu...are these all solo games or do you have a mate around to play one side? Also, how are you treating the casualties inflicted on the non dead....the Spaniards had a number of casualties in both games...are they permanently removed from the Spanish OOB or do they respawn at the start of each new game?

    1. There are a couple of us, or honest whoever I can drag in, in terms of campaign, it's more of a narrative campaign, for example the Spanish win it might result in the village to clear, if they lose then a scenario where they have to escape the table. As the scenario's develop and I paint more the only question is how many points people want to field, which should drive me to paint more or bring some different oddities to the table, so for instance I figured the camp battle would need to be swift hence the dogs, but the village probably has more zombies in it.

  3. Brilliant! Another splendid episode Stuart, it is really gathering momentum now.

    1. Thanks Michael - Village clearance next :-)

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