
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Dispatches from the Front VII

Another week in lockdown it's desperate times for the kids as they are forced into playing games with dad...

So a family game of Zombicide people hinding in doors looking for food whilst the infected are running around in the streets definitely not practicing social distancing, what does that sound like?

Meanwhile the club Diplomacy game keeps the club talking, it looks like history is repeating itself with the French pushing into Spain, the Italians cruise around the Med and the Germans attack the low countries. Meanwhile the peace loving Turks hold there own in the corner of the board :-)

Well that's frustrating..
Having sold this Warhammer supplement 6 months ago, I find myself buying the very same copy off E-bay, I recall it having some really good segments on the Hittitie Kingdom and New Kingdom Egyptians which will be useful for the summer ancient project. 
Next time I must remember to scan a copy before selling off.

It appears Warlord have been inspired by my Elizabethan Zombie games as they have published some extra rules for Werewolves and Vampires you can down load them here.
Definately some tweaks needed to me evil creatures.

Elsewhere in gaming land a few of us tinkered with scouting mechanisms at table top level, its surprising how your game play changes when you can only see a few feet in front of you. Suddenly hills become really important and behind every hill is an enemy.

In this scenario I was a detachment of 7th cavalry and surprise surprise behind the hill was a war party.

The game got me thinking about revisiting one of my first ever projects which was the Sioux Wars, having played it before in 15mm Frikorps and 28mm Dixons, I not sure how I feel about repeating the exercise over all over again albeit 20 years ago in the same scale.

Then chatting it through with a fellow club member he sent me this.

We are in the final stages of layout and planning.   The rules themselves will be a stand-alone project done outside of Baccus.   The rules are generic in terms of figure scale, originally being staged using 15mm castings and they will be aimed at the whole wargames market, not just 6mm.   They will be funded by subscription and pre-order.   I will be posting more information and details in the next few weeks as the project takes shape.    Alongside this however, Baccus will be releasing a full Pony Wars range.   These will be based directly on the requirements of the rules and provide all the colourful bits and pieces demanded to play the game.   I am also working on getting a range of game-specific scenic items produced.   The aim will be to allow anyone to play this spectacularly fun game on a reasonably sized table for a reasonable cost.   The theme will be Hollywood rather than History….the prime source material will be John Ford films, Wagon Train and the Lone Ranger.   I hope that this will delight more people than it disappoints.

I could be tempted.... But 6mm cavalry..hhhmmmm. I think it must be a touch of cabin fever.
But it would certainly give that sense of open plains and expanse which you might not get in 15 or 28mm.
It looks like a project several years in the making I shall be watching with interest and if the joy of six happens who knows,

Finally as I continue to clear down the various 'fillers' I found myself making a couple of web purchases from the likes of Timecast and Ironclad with a 21 days wait for some of the goods it will give me a chance to clear the decks before they arrive.

Until next time..... Stay in doors and keep painting.....


  1. Great post Stu...I think most of us have done a version of Pony Wars at some stage...I have a small number of Dixon Buffalo soldiers impending my own collection...they have nort seen action for many a year!

    1. They were great they were some of the first figures I owned, was looking at their samurai yesterday.... For a throw back project....

  2. A veritable 'pot pourri' of projects you have their Stu, so plenty to keep you busy during the lockdown.

    1. Your not wrong Steve... I have no idea when I will be able to fit everything in after we are released back into the wild.

  3. Could be a nice little club project, you’d be surprised what you can get away not painting on 6mm

    1. Agreed one for when we get back to the club :-)

  4. Good to keep busy and you have lots going on 👍
