
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Kampfgruppe Stickler #3 - OP Post 23

It had taken a company of Panthers to finally stem the Russian advance, Stickler having been blamed for the breakthrough and was stripped of a number of his support elements and was ordered off to a backwater with a couple of squads to man OP Post 23.
This concrete building used to be regional party headquarters but had been abandoned when the Russian war machine got within range of the town.

It had been quiet for a couple of days when Russian scouts were spotted to the front.
(The Green dots, one was a dummy but would only be revealed once a hit had been scored )

Not knowing which was which. Stickler positioned his men defending the old party headquarters with men on both floors and an LMG team in one of the burnt out shells covering a potential blind spot to the west of his main position. Stickler did nor want Russians entering the outskirts of town.

The Russians had 7 potential units - 4A'a and 3 B's.

Turn One and the Russians raiding party is revealed. A couple of sections with supporting Machine Guns. They rushed forwards and grabbed cover amongst the fences and farm house facing the party building.

But the German defenders had not been idle and with a direct telephone line to Battalion HQ enabled them to call in supporting artillery which was ranged in on the farm house. HE shells peppered the advancing Russians and whilst casualties were minimal it did serve to slow them down with a number of shock markers.

Meanwhile Stickler called Larrs Kapp forward he and his squad rushed down the road in their 251 looking to flank the Russian position before they could skirt the Op Post.

It could not be going better for Stickler the Russians dice all came out first with minimal effect on the German defenders. Stickler could make his move without fear of Russian interference.

Kapp and his men rushed towards the shell damaged farm house that was only defended by a single LMG team. In the background the Russian Infantry could be seen sheltering behind a wood preparing to advance.

Sneaky Ivan tried to sneak up on the old party headquarters advancing through the long grass.

But Stickler was waiting and personally directed the supporting HMG team who pinned the adancing Russians in the field. Things were looking good for his command his reinforcements were sweeping left to roll up the Russian flank and he had his men in good defensive positions.

However the game was about to turn.
Fubar - Thinking the Russians are all around them Kapp's section from within their halftrack saw red's in every shadow and seeing heads popping up in the ruins let rip... killing Sticklers own LMG team holding the left flank. (a roll of double 1 and a friendly fire incident within Bolt Action)

The Russians under Captain Kelsov advanced pouring fire into the Nazi headquarters.

Albert Breslau's section tried to return fire but were forced down as the Russian fire rained down on his position. Meanwhile under covering fire the Russians charged OP Post 23. A bitter struggle followed Breslau and his men were defeated and the Russians controlled the ground floor.

Meanwhile Kapp had brought his men back under control and having cleared the farm house of defenders attempted to break the Russian attack with their own flank attack.

For Stickler it had worked before so why not again?
Having heard the firefight down stairs and realising that his escape route was blocked Stickler grabbed his trusty M40 and rushed down stairs to see a room full of Ivans. He and his two men blazed away but there he was seriously outgunned as his men fell in a blaze of Russian bullets, Stickler dived through the broken window and slipped away as smoke filled the room (proper comic book stuff.)
OK he should have been killed but the games are rather fun and I am growing rather fond of old Felix although i worry he is starting to turn into Herr Flashman :-)

Kapp's section rushed back but it was too late OP Post 23 had fallen to the Russians and he mounted his APC and headed back to headquarters to report the Russian attack.

I really thought the Germans had this one, but a couple of poor activations and a risky charge took the game away from them and another victory for the Russians.

With Albert Breslau and his squad killed Kampfgruppe Stickler will need to be reinforced for the next mission however the pool of reinforcements is getting rather thin and the group can only draw on a Green Squad.

Gunter Honig until last month was working on the railway and now commands a depleted Volksturm section of 6 inexperienced old men and young boys.

Not quite what Felix Stickler had hoped for.

Will Honig survive his first taste of combat? Find out NEXT WEEK !!!


  1. This is great stuff Stu although as you say, comic book - if Stickler really escaped in these circumstances this late in the war, I am sure he would have ended up hanging from a lamp post, not being reinforced, even with old men and boys!

    1. Needs must... in the wargames world.
      Besides i don't fancy rolling up another officer:-)

  2. Blimey, a game of two halves as it were! I really thought the Germans had this in the bag. Looking forward to seeing how Herr Stickler fares next week.

    1. Me to Steve.... Oh the temptation to re-roll :-)

  3. Could have gone either way, great stuff Stuart.

    1. Thanks Michael. Pretty good fun to be honest.

  4. Great game report. Waiting for another one.

    1. Need to paint up some extra's first. Who would have thought that solo play would make you buy more stuff :-)

  5. Great game Stu......I like the idea of the blinds/counters might try this some time ?

    1. The balance in Platoon forward is pretty good, working on an adoption for Napoleonic's and some of the zombie stuff.

  6. Good game and AAR!
    'Poor activations' tell me about them haha!

    1. I really thought I had won against myself... :-)
