
Sunday, April 12, 2020

North & South Korean Reinforcements - Red Phoenix Project

First out of the blocks for April some useful 'fillers' for the North and South Korean Forces for the Red Phoenix Project. When we played the first encounter a few months back, I was short of some key elements, notably air defences and recon units for the South.

Despite the games being in 6mm I don't want to be fielding wall to wall armour I also don't need 5 of everything which is the challenge with GHQ.

The GHQ models are great castings and at 1/285 scale are slightly larger to the eye but can be a touch expensive so I opted for the smaller Heroics and Ros Vulcans in 1/300th scale.
You can buy their models individually at a much reduced rate giving me what I needed at a faction of the cost.

I had a bunch of GHQ's M113's laying unpainted in a box, so filing down the top deck of the M113's allowed me to add the H&R turrets which gave me the correct scale Vulcans to add to me southern defenders.

They look fine to me and the slightly different turret scale is not noticeable.. 

The Fox Armoured Cars are also by H&R, I did'nt have a any in the current force so as smaller nipper models they fit in really well. Perfect for hiding amongst the villages and outhouses.

I also bolstered the North forces with extra recon units.
4 BRDM2's to give them some extra scouting activity. These I found in a box of spares along with a couple of extra tank companies.
I added some red star decals not that they can been seen standing 3 foot away :-)

And to top up the order from H&R a section of BMP1's for a slightly more modern section. Again without others models to compare against they should be fine on the table.

Then last but not least a couple of Sagger teams to bolster the Infantry and defend against the extra Southern Armour that should make it out of the spares box.

Oh I also completed a couple of flocks of sheep which were also languishing in the spares box.

Not a bad effort for a Saturday.


  1. Not a bad effort at all Stu. H&R were my go to company when gaming in 6mm as the GHQ stuff, although lovely, was too expensive and the 5 models per box only was simply silly. 2D6 wargaming now does some lovely models so worth checking out too.

    1. Thanks Steve, I had a look at the 2D6 stuff and some of the Samurai stuff could be useful for Korea. Hopefully joy of six will survive the lock down.

  2. Diminutive but nice little units!

    1. Let's see if they last on the table top Matt.

  3. That's a good turnaround for one day! Great job Stuart.

    1. Thanks Michael nice to not watch the news just focusing on the miniature warriors.

  4. Very creditable output Stu - I remember having some 1/300 many moons ago - BAOR and Russians - and I also got some GHQ, which were lovely models but as you say pricey compared with competitors - I also found the gun barrels particularly prone to getting bent!

    1. Agreed a touch on the expensive side and I certainly would not want to field wall to wall armour, but for what I need I can afford to splash out :-)
      Good to be able to fill the gaps in the collection which started over 15 years ago.
