
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Jungle crawler. Chindits vs Japanese.

With the 75th Anniversary of VJ fast approaching and weather in the UK actually hotter than Burma today. A short solo encounter with the recently painted Chindits. With so few figures I thought I would try something a little different from your traditional stand up fight making use of rolling terrain similar in style to a dungeon crawler type scenario.

"After a hit and run mission on a Japanese supply dump the Brits met at the rendezvous before heading back towards their own lines."

Starting at the centre of the table the Chindits have to exit the table but have very little idea as to the correct path. The route is created by drawing at random one of the directional cards. If on a roll of a 6 on a D6 the path comes to an end and an alternative path has to be created forcing the Brits to retrace their footprints. Meanwhile an endless stream of Japanese follow behind.

D3 turns into the game the first scout appears cautiously following behind the retreating Chindits. The first red dice goes into the bag for the Japanese. Each turn more Japanese reinforcements are rolled for.

The Brits head out, after a few meters the path splits, the raiding party takes the right hand path, with a lucky draw on the cards.

 Meanwhile more Japs fill the jungle trail as they had down the track following the raiders.

A fire team at the rear of the rag tag column pour fire into the pursuers as they attempt to slow the chasing pack. The Japs duck back as the path creeps towards the edge of the table as another straight is pulled from the deck.

The Japs keep on coming the final card hits the edge of the table and the raiders are away.

A fun quick encounter, it needs a little more work with dead ends and clearings but it has potential for future solo encounters.

Right back to the brushes those Hittites won't paint themselves.


  1. lovely looking game and a neat idea for a scenario.

    1. It killed a couple of hours Steve, just a little to hot to paint.

  2. Great looking terrain and scenario, Stu.

  3. Wow, it didn't look like a couple of hours Stu - I was about to comment that I suspected you might have liked a bit more to happen but perhaps not! The concept seems like a good and similar to what I have tried to do with my 20mm War on Terror type scenarios - look forward to seeing how you might develop the rules!

    1. Poor draw of the cards Keith, I was secretly hoping for a dead end and have the Brits fighting back up the trail to take the next route. Maybe next time.

  4. That's a pretty cool idea. Was the random movement all of you own design? Or is it from a rule set, I have not heard of?

    1. I pinched the cards from Robo Rally a board game from the 90's.. I did think about pulling my own together from a standard deck of cards, I might still do that adding in clearings or say a temple?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Cool, yeah I could probably find similar cards on there own or make some. Think this could work for a few french Indo-China fight with my Colonial-Paras and FFL escaping after a raid.

    4. And adding a clearing or temple option would help with break up the green hell of a maze. Haha
      Or heck a hamlet,a heard of elephants, pine breaks, river or stream, swamp. And you could add traps or hazards to those things.
      Like Crocks, quick sand or sink holes in the swamps.
      Guy could slip and be washed down stream.
      Traps or snake along the trail.
      Random tiger attack. Forest Elephant stamped. Native tribe taking a shot or machete attack and then disappearing back into the brush.
      Maybe even finding a native guide in the hamlet that can help them choose at least one path in their escape.
      Yeah I kind of just ran with this.
