
Thursday, August 20, 2020

Wyvern Wargamers - Back from Lock down and welcoming new members.

It's been months but we are back and opening our doors on the 6th September.

The trustees of the hall have carried out a full review and implemented a number of Covid safe procedures and we are back to Sunday evening gaming.

With a range of historical periods and rules covered time to get back to face to face gaming and rolling some dice. I am itching to see who has painted what and what new projects people are planning on starting or started.

A wonderful location with plenty of parking near to the doors to unload our valuable cargo's.

A central location in the village of Bishampton within 40 minutes of Worcester, Evesham,Warwick and Birmingham. Meeting the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month.

Why not make it your lock down resolution and get out of the house and join the Wyvern Wargamers for an evenings gaming.

You can drop me a line via my blog or find us at

First Club...

Infamy Infamy - 28mm

American War of Independence 15mm

French Indian Wars - 28mm


  1. Great to hear that some semblance of normality is returning to your world Stuart. Best of luck.

  2. Good on you guys for endevoring to get back to some form of normality. Good luck.

    1. Thanks Kev it will be different as even though numbers are few, it's a public building so we will need to masked up.. :-(
      Still good to be back in action.

  3. All the best with the re-opening Stu.

  4. Sorry Stu I wont be able to make it along...but your map brought back happy memories. My mums sister and her husband had the last house in Great Malvern and we spent several holidays down there - been to all the places you can see on the map - Leominster, Ross on Wye with all the bookshops (I think) Tewkesbury and I seem to remember there may have been an actual bricks and mortar wargames shop in wife and I spent a few days with them about 30 years ago and went to the Cheddar Gorge amongst other places - lovely part of the world, despite the proximity to Berming'am!

    1. Small World Keith my parents are in Great Malvern. Our club started out up stairs in that Evesham model shop :-)
      I have saved you a spot in case you ever make it back to blighty :-)

  5. Good for you guys hope it goes well 👍

  6. Good to see your club back up and running.
    Nice lookimg hall you have there too!

    1. Lovely spot Captain, a little out of the way but we avoids the curious appearing at the window :-)
