
Sunday, October 04, 2020

Dispatches from the front XII

October already where has time gone.

This time out a couple of new projects to take me into the winter months and hopefully not another lockdown. The latest offering from the Command and Colours Stable is Jacobite Rising.

I have played a few of there offerings before, but some one should have told me about the sticker party, a full day of peeling and sticking. The larger stickers were fine, but the infantry could be a touch fiddly with the the yellow packing paper coming away with the a number of the infantry.

That aside the quality of the game is superb, the blocks are uniform in design and colour and the terrain pieces really well drawn. The scenario's range from Killiecrankie 1689 to Culloden in 1746. I had always fancied gaming the period but until someone invents tartan paint the thought of painting hundreds of highlanders put me off... So Jacobite Rising is the next best thing.

The only thing that knocked the shine of this excellent game was the flaming customs charge and handling fee almost half the cost of the original game..... ouch.

First game tonight, I recon it needs to get out of the box and on the table at least 8 times to justify the outlay...

Meanwhile a home grown classic is looking to make a come back - Pony Wars "B Troop ain't coming back".
One of my first ever collections was a 15mm Plains War force from Freikorp now owned by QRF Models, painting was rather basic and I never had quite enough to put on all elements of these excellent rules on to the table maybe this time around 30 years later..

You can back it here -
They need 1500 backers so take a look.

I was trying to think what started off my interest in the Plains Wars and it has to be the children's classic ladybird books and in particular the art work on the Fetterman Massacre print. I have to be honest I even brought a copy off e-bay recently just for nostalgia's sake.

As I got older it was the art of Frank McCarthy that kept this fire burning the perfect inspiration for future gaming. There are some great ranges in 28mm perfect for skirmish gaming, but I wanted to go that slightly larger encounter and the expanse of the prairie.

I can't quite bring myself to start the project again in 15mm besides I wanted to really explore the plains, with villages and 7th Cavalry columns, so with some trepidation I have decided on 6mm!!!!

This should be able to allow me to field a number of companies and war parties together with Indian villages all on a 6x4 table.

Baccus have released the first images of their forthcoming pony wars range which will mirror the rules and all the elements needed, I am not sure if I will have the patience for 6mm, but I do like a challenge and typically around 100 figures for less than a tenner, its not too much of a risk. 

The Baccus cart opens in a few weeks... 
Sgt Tyree I'm ordering you to volunteer again. Yee Haw.

Until Next time....


  1. I saw Jacobite Rising the other day and was rather tempted. I may pick it up, though in all fairness, I'm only halfway through C&C:A scenarios and really want to pick up the add-ons for it... so many games, so little time and money.
    Those 6mm minis look really cool. That should be good fun!

    1. A good first encounter, definitely on for an evening entertainment.

  2. The Jacobite game is tempting, but I already have the figures in the lead pile to allow me to game the various risings. Pony Wars have never interested me but the 're-release' appears to be generating a lot of interest.

    1. Not enough so far Steve to fund it, but we shall see...

  3. These 6mm Baccus figure ranges always look pretty good Stu - Pony Wars is one of the games on our agenda for our upcoming week long gaming escape at the end of Oct - but ours will be in 25/28mm...I get what you are saying about the freedom of manoeuvre that this smaller scale can provide though!

    1. Looking forward to seeing that, a week long gaming escape now that sounds like a proper holiday.

  4. Hi Suart- Good to see that your interested in the Baccus 6mm 'Pony Wars'- I'll keep posted to see how this goes.Regards. KEV.

    1. Will need a break Kev before diving in, the thought of switching from 28mm to 6mm :-(

  5. Hey Stu those charges are ridiculous! The C&C collection of games are quite good, we are currently enjoying the Great War version. I am interested the in the AWI one but shipping (a bit like your charges) from the USA have knocked any thoughts of that on the head.
    Baccus do the best 6mm figures! If I had my way again though I would have gone with 10mm, still small enough to get that big army feel but a bit more detail to who does 10mm Cavalry and Indians...

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