
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Infamy Infamy - Shock Markers - New Kingdom Egyptians.

With the first phase of the Hittites complete I thought I would ease myself into the New Kingdom Egyptians with a batch of shock markers.... I know I could just put a dice against the unit but there is something rather pleasing to the eye of a tailored base marking the status of the unit.

The figures are from Wargames Foundry and one pack of dead and injured have given me enough for 6 markers, each base contains two sabots for D6 dice which would be enough to mark the unit for shock or fervour.

Worst case they can double up as ambush or deployment points.

Now for the hard part a spear regiment to form the back bone of the Egyptian forces... No pressure but I would like to have enough done for the first club night in November unless Covid buggers up the plans.


  1. Oh, those markers are nice! Sadly I think the way it's going, local lockdowns might put pay to club nights for a while.

    1. I think you may be right Steve..... just trying to work out if I put up a tent in the garden would that class as outside :-(...

  2. Inspired work on these markers, well done!

  3. Very nice Stu. These type of markers are much more aesthetically pleasing than plain dice or tiddlywinks type markers all over the table. Watching and reading the Covid news from the uk I fear you are in for many more months of disruption.....all the best and stay safe

    1. I fear you might be right..... time to order some more figures to cheer myself up....

  4. Excellent markers... I may 'borrow' your idea to do something similar for my Chain of Command shock markers.

    1. Please do Lee....finally found a use for those dead and wounded :-)

  5. They are brilliant. Funny, this is the second ancients blog post I've seen today. I am often tempted into biblical era gaming as a new period
    Are New Kingdom Egyptians earlier than the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel?

  6. I just fancied something a little different and the Infamy rules fill that middle ground, not quite wall to wall armies more mass skirmish so I don't have to fill the table with chariots, I am aiming for circa 1274BC - Kadesh, I think the Israel kingdoms were around 700 BC. But Assyrians vs Israel could be good.
