
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Kings of Bronze - Forces assemble.

Finding myself with a spare hour I thought I would get the freshly painted ancients out on the table. Whilst Covid19 has played havoc with so much of the fabric of what we do day to day, it has given many of us far more hobby time than could have been expected. Thank heaven for an immersive hobby.

Having spent much of the spring clearing the backlog of unfinished projects, I was determined that no metal mini should be left behind in this and future projects...

Phase one complete and all mini's painted.

First up the Hittite Forces.

Three units of spear.
Three units of bow.
One unit of levy spear.
One units of skirmishers.
One unit of chariot runners.
Two chariots.

Opposing them the New Kingdom Egyptians looking to reclaim their conquered lands.

Three units of spear.
Two units of close combat troops
One units of skirmishers.
Two chariots.

Not a bad start for the Infamy Infamy project.

Now for part two.
All of the above are from Warlord or Foundry, very different in style, but they do mix in rather well, Warlord are a little slighter than the heavier set Foundry casts. 

I plan on getting the first game on the table in December and should have part two well underway with Commanders for both sides more Egyptian's in the form of archers, Nubian auxiliaries & more Hittite spearmen. Plus more chariots for both.

Lots to do before the year is out...


  1. Great to see both forces arrayed for action and they do look the business. Looking forward to seeing them in action.

    1. Me to Steve, might just have to be a solo outing at this rate.... :-(

  2. Great looking NKE army, Stu!

    1. Thanks Dean, it's starting to come together now...

  3. Two nice little forces there Stu - the Covid lockdowns certainly seem to be a silver lining for wargamers - must be terrible for people who have no hobby or who rely on going out all the time for their amusement!

    1. Agreed.... although a little more game time would be nice :-)
