
Thursday, January 07, 2021

The Elizabethan Zombie Chronicles #6 - Royal Ambush

The first game of 2021 albeit a solo affair.

Back in March last year we saw how good Queen Elizabeth had escaped London as the dead rose from the plague pits and over ran the city, filling the streets of the capital and tearing apart all who stood in their way. The open countryside gave some respite as the party headed towards Windsor and potential safety.. See here.

As mentioned in an earlier post I had a hankering for an ambush scenario and this gave me an opportunity to give the werewolves a run out and the rule tweaks for Infamy Infamy. Each Werewolf was an Elite unit in there own right with a leader.

Inspired by Last of the Mohicans as the winter sun started to set the woods fell silent as the royal column made it's way West. Adding in some solo mechanisms, I added 6 additional blank chits to the evil side and a chit for every unit and spread them either side of column, so I would not know where the concentration of attackers would be.

The column had to make it across the table or defeat the attackers, I placed the cavalry at the front, the Queen was nestled in the centre of the column with pike to the front and rear. The column had upto 1D3 turns before the attackers were added to the bag.

So the scene is set can the Queen escape the tooth and claw hidden amongst the undergrowth?

The wolves were weighted to the front and rear of the column. where a group of matchlock men had turned to fire on a rushing werewolf exposing their rear to the advancing wolves.

Bad news first chit out of the bag the wolves.... who tore into the unloaded matchlock men, who fled towards the treeline and untold horrors. The wolves turned towards the Queen.

Fearing for the Queen's safety the Demi Lancers rushed towards the rear of the column only for Werewolves to charge into the front of the column. The Matchlock men fired but were unable to stop the werewolf closing and inflicting masses of shock on the defenders who fled, allowing the half man to close switch his attention to the supporting pike block.

Meanwhile at the rear of the column Sir Daniel Fanshaw rushed to meet the wolf threat driving them from the field. 

For now the Queen was safe, she and her hand maidens move towards the safety of the Royal Pike block as the Demi Lancers moved to support the line from the advancing lycanthropes.

Before the lancers could bring their lancers to bare the creatures were on them, the fight was bitter and the lancers fled, but a number of the werewolves had been wounded, each blow weakened the forces of darkness force morale as the Queen and here retinue hung on, watching as another unit was set upon by another foul creature.

As darkness fell as quickly as they had appeared the werewolves were gone, but the column survived and began to form up and continue upon it's way, battered but unbowed.

A fun encounter touch and go from start to finish, the werewolves are savage inflicting double shock in the first round, but their force morale can be shaken for every time they are forced backwards or killed in combat which felt quite good for the feel I am looking for.

Next up a few more of the evil oddities to put them through there paces.


  1. Lovely looking game Stu and a nice scenario too. At the start I thought 'Good Queen Bess' was a goner for sure, but glad that I was wrong!

    1. Me to and I was playing both sides down the line ;-)
      Back to the Spanish next time.

  2. Great little game Stu and like Steve, I had dire fears for Queen Lizzie early on - I thought you might be forced to paint a new figure...Queen Mary!(Although, knowing her story, perhaps Mary is the secret leader of the Forces of Darkness?!)

    1. Keith if you know of a good Queen Mary, please shout... she would be great addition and I was looking to weave her into the narrative.... hhhmmmm Scottish Zombies.... not seen those before..

  3. Lovely stuff not fun to meet werewolves in the forest ! Especially in a long skirt

    1. I did in joy myself Matt, but would like to play it with an opponent in the future...

  4. For a moment I thought that the queen will be captured, but maybe it will happen next time... Who knows... Lovely game Stu!

    1. A near run thing Bart... got another game in mind so you never know :-)

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