
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Dispatches from the front XVII - Scales big and small.

Welcome to the February dispatch - Lockdown boredom and 1-2-1 modelling. 

The lack of physical gaming can force you to make rash decisions, on a recent zoom call we talked about the rise of Citadel Oldhammer and the original Chaos Warriors as I was tempted by some good old fashioned sword and shield gaming - clanking knights for a quick skirmish fight. Before you know it I am watching Excalibur from 1981 and thinking why no one ever made figures for this cult classic?

Ebay is selling the original 80's Chaos Warriors for around £10.00 a figure wow..... There were some nice figures in the range before they went all skulls and tentacles.

Several hours later these chaps are on there way. Great sculpts from Forlorn Hope Games designed by Mark Cobblestone and similar in style to the film.... 

Not really sure what I am going to do with them, but they will be quick and fun to paint and scratched an itch. 

Meanwhile another couple of small packages dropped on the mat, first up a bunch of Tepee's from Irregular miniatures, I planned on basing them on interconnecting bases and am toying with hexagons or octagon bases, so they can be merged to form a larger village.

Meanwhile another bulk order from Warbases. It's only when I look at the numbers bases on mass than I may have gone a little too big. More on the Pony Wars plans in the weeks ahead.

A couple more units for the Egypt and Ancient China, I recon these should hit the paint table which so allow these to hit the paint table in April... 

In stark contrast to 6mm, some 1:1construction, having spent 12 months working from home and no club, I thought it was high time I turned the temporary office to become a permanent office/gaming space over 30 years of gaming and finally my own gaming space.

The biggest question now what to call the room.... No one at home likes the idea of the Operations Centre :-) 

With a desk, gaming table and beer, I might never come out!!!!
With a bit of luck it should be gaming ready just as we get released from lockdown and can return to physical gaming, With a little reorganisation I recon I can create a 4' x 8' table. But might need to shed a few lockdown pounds to get completely round the table....


  1. You couldn’t resist the chaos warriors then? 😂

    1. What can I say I am weak.... a present for finishing the wall :-)

  2. I've only seen bit of Excalibur, so might see if this is on Netflix, as the screen shots look cool. Well done on getting your own games room-cum-office, something I think we all aspire to!

    1. 8x4 board arrives tomorrow from our friends at Jewson... :-)
      Now just to stop the family filling the room with junk....

  3. A gaming space is essential I believe even more so during lockdown. So good effort, as it looks like you blocked the door you may not be coming out anytime soon ! Just hope you have enough figures to keep you busy

    1. You are so right Matt, plenty to keep me going.... just looking at the pile of 6mm stuff now.

  4. Great work on creating a gaming area at home Stu and you say, something many dream of but relatively few achieve. The knight look cool to!

    1. It's taken over 2 decades.... Now just need lock down to end.

  5. I love all the old Copplestone figs such a pleasure to paint and still look great even now!

  6. Great work Stuart. Good luck with creating a top notch gaming space.

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