
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

LOTR Campaign Game #6 Into the valley of death rode the 6 Warg Riders.

It's been months but face to face gaming is back and so too the LOTR campaign and the concluding game of round 2 We are both a little rusty but it does not take long to take off the dust sheets and remind ourselves of events so far.

The Orcs were pressing their advantage bypassing Helm's Deep they drove North through he Gap of Rohan and into the wide and empty land of Enedwaith. The forces of men were out numbered on many fronts looking to delay the advance whilst their forces mustered in the West.

A simple patrol game the dark forces number 200 points facing off against 100 points of human forces. The Uruk-Kai had simple orders visit 4 terrain pieces in 4 sectors of the table, the humans had to stop them.

Outnumbered the Rohan defenders hide from the patrolling creatures. The Warg riders dart here and there seeking any sign of the humans. The Humans were deep in country and soon the Warg riders had out stripped their accompanying infantry. Rohan archers snipped at the riders and drove a number of the scouts backwards.

As the riders fell back the Orc commander called forwards his Berserkers rush charged from the massed ranks. The men of Rohan scattered.

But some men held firm the men of Gondor veterans of numerous encounters formed a square a loosed their arrows into the Warg riders driving them backwards.

Heavily armoured warriors filled the valley advancing north. light troops and scouts were one thing for the Rohan Militia but these would be a different challenge.

A lone figure stepped forwards from the Marsh looking halt the attackers advance.

Quickly followed by more Rohan militia who rushed to plug the gap as the Orc's poured through.

The grey haired warrior was able to destroy the first set of berserkers but a second group rushed forwards aiming to destroy the old man in the swamp.

The Warg Riders had recovered and slipped past the thinly spread defenders.

Unsurprisingly the Rohan were beaten, but they had inflicting a number of casualties on the Urak-Hai. But were too few in number to stop the patrol reaching it's objective.
Enedwaith. had fallen to the Orc's. 

Roll on Turn 3.


  1. Lovely game Stu and great to see you are able to get back to FtF gaming again:)

    1. It certainly is Steve. First club outing this Sunday.

  2. This campaign is a bit like the books/films...hopefully the good guys win the final battle here too!

    1. I hope so, it's quite a battering at the moment :-)

  3. Lovely stuff and a reminder that I could do with a LOTR game sometime !

    1. So many games Matt, lots to get through in the year ahead.
