
Friday, May 28, 2021

New Kingdom Egyptian Infantry and yet more Shock Markers

Projects are coming in think and fast lately.... with a wish list of games stretching into several weeks.

Anyhow before I get too distracted, a couple of extra's for the Kings of Bronze Project and some North Star Egyptians who are now back in stock... The excuse was to make up the postage for the recent Stargrave purchase.

Lovely figures rather more muscular than their Warlord counterparts. The Officer and Command group are great with some real dynamic poses.

Meanwhile I had a bunch of loose rocks which were not getting used so decided to add them on to circular bases and create some additional shock markers, they also use up some of the spare shields that were left in the original blister packs. 

Twelve of these should be enough for a standard game, recording shock and kills for both sides.
Next up the Sherden Guard finally make an appearance.


  1. Lovely looking NKE troops abd markers, Stu.

  2. Very nice additions Stu, I like the Northstar sculpting style. Your shock marking bases are great too - so much better than tiddly winks or similar methods!

    1. And makes use of some of the stuff that's been hiding in boxes for several years:-)

  3. I can see why you like these figures, which you have painted beautifully. Great markers too!
    Regards, James

  4. Cool troops, up to your usual great standard!
    Love your casualty marker bases, I always envy guys who put the effort into these I’m so boring using dice next to base (with the inherent tipping danger! ‘Wasn’t that four hits a minute ago!’ Heheheh).
