
Thursday, August 12, 2021

Song Chinese vs Zombies - An Infamy Infamy Encounter

Inspiration for a game can come from a number of areas.... but this one is rather odd, back in lockdown one I went through a spate of watching East Asian drama's on Netflix - a real cracker was the Korean Zombie series - Kingdom. How pleased to see that a further installment had landed in the last few weeks with Ashin of the North.

Next thing you know we are throwing down some terrain to crash together the Water Margin and Elizabethan projects to pit the Song Chinese against waves of undead.... This post is definitely not for the purist in the blogosphere.

The Prefect had orders to escort the Imperial Princess across the table, he had heard rumors amongst the peasantry of  disappearances and brutal killings. He selected the size of his escort in the full knowledge that his opponent will matching him point for point.

A mixed force of bannermen, local militia, Palace Guard and a could of minor heroes for good measure.

A slow start the accompanying Oxen and Grain supplied wandered up the road only to be confronted by a mass of undead.

Steak was on the menu the wagon was unable to turn around and the dead clawed at the Ox flesh, the distraction allowed the escort party to swing right.

Heading east to skirt the village the bannermen deployed in front of the paddy fields as some the dead started to shamble towards them. The dead reached the spearmen and bow men but were quickly dispatched, the living quick to kill anyone of there brethren that had been infected.

More and more of the risen were summoned by the evil wizards blocking the escort parties path.

The Palace Guard ploughed into the decaying mass, they lost several of their number but fought on.

On the right flank the the evil wizards called forward their temple guard who were peppered with missile fire as then entered the open ground.

Black Bull saw his moment and rushed forwards striking down the warlock.

With blood lust he swung his mighty club carving a path through the deceased who were summoned by one of the remaining priests in revenge for their recent loss.

The dead were running out of bodies and the path to the bridge was open.

A really fun encounter and great to get some of the toys on the table, having the undead largely controlled by reaction tests makes it easy to play as a semi-coop type game with everyone on the same side, in groups of 5 they are easily dispatched but like many a good movie plot don't get caught by hundreds or you will be swamped.

This has the makings of a really fun club night game.


  1. It may not be for the purist, but I thought it was great. I think we started watching Kingdom, but my wife never really took to it. I may give it another look:)

    1. Definitely worth sticking with, although it might be late night viewing :-)

  2. I like the way you have combined two unusual "fantasy" games into a third Stu! I have played a few cooperative games (mainly ultra modern) where all the players are Coalition forces and the enemy are driven by a game mechanism - its always good fun

    1. The Wargames butterfly in full effect Keith. Back to the serious stuff soon.

  3. It is just the sort of thing wargamers are good at. Taking an idea and getting it to the table with lots of figures and enjoyment

    1. Thanks for commenting, really good fun and certainly scratched an itch :-)

  4. Very nice, love the scenery and miniatures! Was also a big fan of the series.

  5. Kingdom is a great and original series for a great gaming idea like yours!
    i always found cooperation game very interesting. The Zombies can be ruled like Indians in pony wars or like a third party between a classical 1 vs 1 game.
