
Friday, November 12, 2021

Mexican Revolution - Mud & Blood - Part 1

Over a cuppa the other week we chatted about games and periods that have had limited game time or in some case have simply never made the table.

The Mexican Civil War was a great example, my wargaming buddy started out his collection as a faction for the multiple western skirmish rules which got out of hand, but the whole force has never made the table.... So here goes.

A straight standup fight between the Federales & the Zaptistas using Too Fat Lardies - Mud & Blood Rules spread over a couple of days. 

The Objective hold the town and beat back the attackers.

The Zaptistas get an early break and rush forward securing several of the outbuildings and pushing forwards towards the Church in the centre of town.

On the Federale left a lone Police unit is one of a few units who had been able to make it far enough forwards with order to block the rebel advance.

Meanwhile on the right the Federales deploy their heavy machine gun covering the road in the far corner as infantry rush forwards.

The race is on and with the Federal Cavalry (ok British WW1 proxies) first to dismount and scale the wall they felt they had a slight advantage but who would be brave enough to pop their head up as there were a lot of Zaptista's surrounding the Church.

The Zaptista's massed in the opposing compound.

With Zaptista's now starting to lap around the Federale flanks the seen is set for quite the bust up in the days ahead....


  1. Great looking game- your buildings are superb. Fascinating period! Makes me think of the Wild Bunch.

    1. So very true John, almost brought the mini's for that the other day:-)

  2. That is a lovely looking game and nice to see a different period being gamed:)

    1. Thanks Steve nice to get the mini's on the table.

  3. Great looking troops and the terrain looks pretty cool as well.

  4. Great looking game El Muchacho!

  5. Well I cant add anything original Stu because the guys above have said exactly what I thought too - particularly in relation to the scenery! A friend of mine had a few packs of OG Mexicans in pith helmets in his lead pile for many years but he disposed of them recently, as there seemed no prospect of them ever graduating to the painting desk....

    1. Keith I know what you mean, some of the above used to belong to me a very long time ago, glad to know they went to someone who could bring them to life and get them on the table. Besides I get to use them... perfect :-)

  6. Great looking game. Are your Mex Rev Mud and Blood amendments available anywhere. I have two armies I'd like to have a try of a game with.

    1. We used the uses as standard tweaking some of the quality levels and number of special characters. The plan next time is to look to tweak sharp practice as areas such as H2H combat and the initial flags might give it a better in game experience. Besides the tweaks we made with the recent pony wars games might work.

  7. Fantastic looking Game Stuart 👍 interesting period I might have to think about one day 🤔

  8. Great stuff Stu, has the look, has the the feel and the content lovely AAR!
