
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Excalibur 28mm - Mordred's Knights.

Having painted the good guys, time for the evil knights to take to the field. Another batch from Forlorn Hope games, I opted for a more burnished bronze armour to give them a very different look compared to their shinny opponents.

Lovely castings and they take the paint really well, they have a real oldhammer feel to them, but fortunately not too many skulls popular amongst Citadel back in the 80's.  

Loving the hammer chap slightly less armour but could be fun within the Songs of Blades and Heroes rules.

Unfortunately they were a little low on numbers but I spotted these on the Crooked Dice site, whilst ordering my own Christmas present, proper old school Chaos knights, slightly larger than the Forlorn Hope mini's but a good fit.

What a great place our hobby is, thanks to everyone who shouted out Mini-figs and their Excalibur range, I now have a young and old Mordred and a couple of Helen Mirren's on the paint table as Morgana Le Fey, they will be fun to paint but blimey 1981 makes you feel old :-)


  1. Helen Mirren circa 1981.....that would be around the time of The Long Good Friday....when she was a hot young actress and not the British version of Merryl Streep she is today....we are old mate!

    1. Can't argue there.... good job paint fumes keep us young at heart :-)

  2. Those look great Stu and the bronze armour works a treat and certainly makes them look different when on the table:)

    1. Very true Steve, got a couple of scenario's planned for a few evening games.

  3. Good looking figures, the darker armour fits in with their evil demeanour, nice work!

    1. Thanks Captain I wanted to go with that 5 aside feel :-)
      Just your regular Sunday afternoon knock about....
