
Sunday, March 06, 2022

Hammerhead 2022 - The Fetterman Massacre 1866.

After two years, wonderful to get back on the show circuit and a visit to Hammerhead at the Newark show ground yesterday. Hammerhead is a great show, every game is participation game which makes for a really friendly atmosphere, it was great to catch up with loads of old friends and find out how many new projects they have been working on over the lockdown period.

For our part the Wyvern's took the 6mm Pony Wars on our travels with a refight of the Fetterman Massacre 1866. Players played the part of Fetterman's command fighting for their lives to escape Red Cloud's trap?

Captain Fetterman believed with 80 men he could ride through the Sioux nation, Red Cloud and Crazy Horse had other ideas. 

Once again the Wood Train coming out of Fort Phil Kearny was under attack by the Sioux, Fetterman led the relief party.

Spotting a group of native horsemen he ignored orders not to pursue the Indians over the ridge and was ambushed by over 2000 warriors.

Could players escape the trap and get back over the ridge before the Indians over ran his tiny command or hold out long enough for his own relief to arrive?

Fort Phil Kearny and Captain Eyck relief force mustering to response to the sound of battle.

Unfortunately I was far to busy to take any photo's of the game in play but needless to say it was not a good day for Fetterman who went down in history for all of the wrong reasons.

What a great days gaming, plenty of interest in how Sharp Practice can be converted into 6mm and how the adaptions work for gaming the native Americans.

The prep for Hammerhead gave me the push to finish the last of the terrain pieces, excellent castings from Leven Miniatures. The fort is a wonderful piece of kit, I left the buildings to allow me to move them around within the command.

The bell tents allow me to expand the fort compound or set up base camp for the cavalry on campaign and at £3.00 a pack great value for money.

The last couple of pieces useful for loads of scenario's. A log cabin or traders post and a church bringing religion to the prairie lands.

Until next time.....


  1. That's a lovely looking game Stu and the sort of one that would happily play out at home on the dining room table:).

    1. Very true Steve, although very difficult to win for the US player.

  2. I was at Hammerhead and thought this was a particularly nice game, with plenty of space to manoeuvre..

  3. I was about to say, I recognise the fort from Norms review of the show! Sounds like it would have been quite a challenge for the US Cav....again!

    1. I am afraid it was, the lack of firepower really was difficult for the US, but the repeating carbines made a real difference.

  4. The table looks lovely! Did the players save Captain?

    1. I am afraid not Bart, history repeated itself on a number of occasions.

  5. Awesome gaming, Stu! I just saw something on YouTube about this.

  6. A great day out, the game certainly sparked the imaginations of people who saw it, will be plugging you for more info later.

  7. Dear Stuart, I'm really impressed with your Pony Wars content! Especially the Sharp Practice 2 adaptation. I'm currently trying something similar, yet I'm not really the scenario writer. Do you have any kind of "Scenario sheet" for this or any other battle you might have already played using those rules, which you would be willing to share? I'd love to hear from you. I'd love you to check out my Pony wars progress over on my blog as well. Hope you like it. Would love to hear back from you! All the best from Germany
