
Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Dispatches from the front XXIII - Support your local club.

The lighter nights and better weather for varnishing means that much of the last few months painting can finally be finished and added to their comrades in their trays.

It been a good couple of weeks gaming with a number of great club games. Clubs have suffered over the past two years with falling membership and a number of gamers turning to solo gaming, but you can't beat getting out of the house and rolling some dice.

If you are in and around the Worcestershire area you can check them out here, the kettle is always on.

Wyvern Wargamers - (3) Wyvern Wargamers | Facebook

Wyre Forest Gamers - Wyre Forest Gamers (

On with the games.....

The first outing for Silver Bayonet at the Wyvern Club a 3 way hunt for a missing artefact turns into a zombie fest, note to self blades are better than bullets when it comes to taking down the undead. 

For a full report you can find it on Paul's excellent blog. Painting Chaos to The Silver Bayonet | movealongnownothingtoseehere

Over at the Wyre Forest Club a chance to dust off the Hittites and New Kingdom Egyptians and an adaption for Infamy, Infamy. It was good to play new players who came up with some improvements on the rules for Chariots in the Bronze Age.

This was the original lock down project, it turns out that there are still a handful of units left in the draw of shame, these need clearing down.

Wave 4 of the Baron's War from Footsore Miniatures is coming up fast and the latest imagine is not helping lessen the urge to back it.... Roll on May.
If this is not the motivation to clear the paint queue I don't know what is...

Until next time.....


  1. What a lovely mix of games there Stu:).

    1. Thanks Steve nice to get a few extra games.

  2. Lucky man Stu....having two organised clubs in your area! Hopefully, with our recent relaxation of omicron control measures, we may start to get a few face to face games again soon.......

  3. Fingers crossed for you, needed to grasp the nettle a little bit and start thinking about what was important, far to much stuff sitting in boxes and not getting game time.
