
Sunday, June 26, 2022

Hittite & New Kingdom Egyptian Chariots.

Running a series of linked games has driven me to complete the last of the bare metal for the Kings of Bronze Project - The adaption of Infamy Infamy by the Two Fat Lardies to the Bronze Age.

The last couple of pieces are extra chariots for the Hittites and NKE's from Warlord games, picked up in one of their annual sales, on face value in bare metal I much prefer the Foundry one's over Warlord, they feel that little bit more sturdy, but once painted and based they look fine and mix well together.

The Hittite addition is another Medium Chariot, although how you are expected to cram another crewman in here is beyond me.

Heavy throwing spear vs bow makes for us interesting contests and adapted uses within engagements.

I figured the final New Kingdom Chariot will be a medium chariot, with bronze barding on the horse and matching protection for the archer.

Then finally mounted Egyptian scouts. I found reference to these in the Warhammer Ancient Battles campaign book, these Foundry figures had been hanging around since the beginning of the Covid years... They will make an interesting scout unit, they might need another pack but for now I am calling these done.

Project complete......

Ok I say complete but looking at the storage boxes now and there is room for another foot unit and a single skirmish unit. so perhaps we might see for more Sea People or some Libyans who knows in the future but for now the draw is empty of any additional spare metal.

Next up the final linked game for this campaign session with an attack on the Hittite camp.


  1. Great looking Ancients, Stu. The Warlord chariot looks great, but I agree - a third figure would be pretty tight in the cab.

  2. A good feeling to be able to say a collection is complete Stu...maybe one day I will get to experience it 😆!!

    1. Just found a gap in the storage box, so perhaps not yet :-)

  3. Excellent chariots and scouts Stu! Maybe some Sherden bodyguards for the NKE?

    1. Got one unit Cyrus but was thinking about maybe a few more sea people ;-)

  4. Lovely Scouts and chariots...already waiting for the camp!
