
Friday, September 16, 2022

Bolt Action - WW2 Indian Infantry

The finishing of the testers did the trick and finally the Indian detachment leaves the paint table.

The sections of allies and with the platoon officer and radio operator.

Not quite sure of the rule set yet, I am torn between Chain of Command, Bolt Action or Nuts! Perhaps I should run a poll??? 

1st Platoon - The Bren gunner needed a stable firing platform so a rock and an ammo box are pressed into service.

2nd Platoon - With the NCO wearing a snazzy tank top. 

3rd Platoon with the deployed Bren Team. 

Despite feeling like they have been on the paint table for an age, I do like the overall look to them, they need a couple extras in the form of support elements, but they will give me a core force to work with.

Next up the start of the Vichy French forces......


  1. Looking great. It's hard to avoid the dull khaki blob but they look crisp from a distance.
    When I was shopping rules for horse and musket I ran the exact same scenario 3 times with 3 different rule sets. Something basic and small to get a sense of what I liked best. Maybe you could/should do the same?

    1. It was something I considered, lots of chatter about the merits of each rule set but happy to give them all a bash as long as enjoyment is the end result.

  2. I have played both Nuts and CoC (a few years ago, to be fair) and both are good sets. I have never played BA but obviously, its the rule set du jour at the moment.

    1. I must be honest adding in the Blucher limited order mechanism makes it for a far better experience.
