
Monday, September 26, 2022

Cotswold Wargaming Day 2022

Sunday and an early morning excursion down to Northleach in the Cotswolds and Keith Flint's annual wargaming get together.... a great bunch of games many with a serious amount of lead on the table.

It's a very relaxed affair with no traders or competition games, just a bunch of gamers playing a multitude of games for fun.... the hall has plenty of room, even if Keith had to source tables from elsewhere.

You can find full details here on Keith's blog - KEITH'S WARGAMING BLOG (

I am afraid I did not get around all the games and chat with all those present but here's a selection of some of the games on offer.

The Nine Years War gets an outing....  so many cavalry, it had a real old school feel to it with the opposing forces on a wide frontage but so very close so units were straight into the action.

A fantastic looking AWI game, great figures, great terrain and rightly awarded the best terrain award. Using British Grenadier Rule set it really captured the feel of the period.

Nice to see the Cigar Box Mat's up close, they really looked durable and flowed well over the hills, perfect if you were looking to take on major battles such as Leipzig shown above. 

Great to see Spencer Smith Miniatures on display, so hardwearing due to their clean and simple design.

A cracking game from Steve aka the Wargaming addict with his Imagination forces of Prusskian army taking on that of the Ruthenians, the game had a lovely feel to it and got me seriously thinking about my own 6/10mm project for the FRW on a grand scale. You can read more of Steve's day on his blog, well worth a follow. Wargaming Addict: Cotswold Wargames Day 2022 (

Meanwhile me and the gang put on a lite version of Kadesh using Infamy Infamy. More on that in a future post.

Sharing the room with the Farnborough Wargames Society who were also fielding an ancient Hittite force taking on the Yamhad/Syrian Kingdom 1615 BC. Quite the spectacle with so many chariots.
I have a serious case of chariot envy.

A great day out, great company, great chat and a close fought battle .... The downside I now have perhaps 3 more projects to think about....  thanks guys :-)


  1. Great to see you and the chaps again Stu, but sadly little time for a proper chat. Your game looked brilliant but I completely get the chariot envy! All the games had something to get the creative juices flowing and I know I came away very inspired to push forward various projects. I just need to find the time...

    1. So very true Steve.... one of the best dates in the wargaming calendar great to mix with fellow gamers without the usual shopping trips or competition games. Next year ECW :-)

  2. Some very nice images to complement those on Steves blog, Stu and your game looks very cool - look forward to reading your account of Kadesh in the near future.

    1. Thanks Keith, always a fun affair every year the games seem to get bigger and bigger....

  3. What splendid looking games on display , really impressive and inspiring stuff 👍

  4. Great looking variety of games. Your Biblical game looks terrific and inspiring. Great job!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I really need to increase my chariot count :-)

  5. It was a fantastic day out, like yourself I was having so much fun gaming I did not get around as I wanted to. Once again a fantastic selection of games and a very friendly vibe throughout the day.


    1. Very true Willtz already thinking about next year. I think Keith is going to need a bigger hall.
