
Thursday, October 13, 2022

1st Chechen war 1994 - Part 2 - The defence of the FOB.

With the Russians having pushed through the Chechen defensive lines, they set about defending their forward operating base.

The BTR's had been sent away with the wounded and the Infantry set about their defensives. They are bolstered by a Heavy Machine Gun and Sniper Team. Would it be enough to hold the line?

The Chechen's wanted them out and supported by a unit of National Guard they advanced on the FOB from all sides.

The Russian defenders sprinted forwards to expand their perimeter and secure improved firing positions as the Chechens made slow progress with a number of turns of low activations.

The Russian HMG poured fire into the oncoming Chechens, however it's supressing fire drew the attention of the snipers who were able to add a number of pins on the heavy weapon.

A valiant defence but slowly the irregulars closed to within range of the FOB, throwing grenades and rushing forwards, the poorly trained defenders were forced down and eventually overcome.
The Invaders would need to rethink their plans....

The Modern variant of Bolt Action gives a really good feel, commanders on both sides played a key part in managing their troops and keeping pinned markers to a minimum. Caught in the open troops do not last long, but supressing fire and a close assault proved to be effective once the Chechen's found suitable launch sites for their assult.


  1. Great looking game. I really need to give Bolt Action a go one day.

    1. The ranges feel better in 15mm than 28mm in my view.

  2. Great looking game I have often wondered about a ‘modern’ genre since this was featured in a magazine a few years ago but never quite made the leap

    1. It felt really good, a balance between mass tanks of micro tanks and the 20 figures small scale skirmishes.... the added Blucher dice add that extra fog of war.

  3. Another fine game there Stu and Bolt Action has yet to reach my games table, due to a lack of painted figures. Something I need to remedy...

    1. A little gamey on the hand to hand but feels better in 15mm in my opinion.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks guys were do you play in Nottingham as I am up there fairly regularly.
