
Saturday, December 17, 2022

Vichy French - Senegalese Tirailleur Infantry.

Somewhat later than planned the Vichy French Senegalese Tirailleur Infantry finally clear the paint table. The Indian/Commonwealth forces were completed in September and have been waiting patiently for opponents. I opted to clear the full batch which took a little longer than planned but it does mean that you get a playable force rather than dribs and drabs. 

Over 179,000 Senegalese fought for the various French governments during WW2 and are that little bit different with their distinctive red fez. The Vichy government had two garrison battalions in theatre these were amalgamated to form a mixed colonial regiment.

Two sections each composing of 10 men and one NCO.

I opted for an LMG team and Rifle Grenade Launcher within the section, but these could be detached depending on whether I was using Bolt Action or Chain of Command.

Great casting from Perry Miniatures, next up a sniper and spotter.

Two runners and a couple of French Officers complete the first batch.

These really look the part and can play on either side of the conflict.

Next up Vichy French regulars and perhaps some 1898 Miniatures who have recently produced some very nice Berber Cavalry which might make it into the shopping basket at some point. The French had around 7000 Arab and Berber troops which might be a nice change.


  1. Very nice and different from the usual WW2 stuff nice 👍

  2. Weird, I already commented about 14 hours ago but was on ye olde iPad, so maybe that explains why Blogger did not record my words?!
    Colonial troops in European service always add a dash of colour to nay collection, and these are no exception - very nice work Stu.

    1. Thanks Keith really looking forward to getting these on the table.

  3. Great stuff Stu - love the Tirailleur infantry.
