
Friday, March 24, 2023

Operation Exporter - Games Two & Three - The Commonwealth on a roll.

Game Two

The Vichy picked static, while the Allied Player choose Attack, the advantage with the Commonwealth a roll for an Offensive type game we rolled within Platoon Forward and landed on Raid - So why not the likely home of an Observer, I have read several accounts of the Vichy Artillery being particularly useful.

Unlike the previous encounter the Vichy are umpire controlled with likely concentrations of troops marked by spots on the table, some would be real of various types and quality others blanks. The number of possible encounters are linked directly to the number of elements (BA Dice) taken.

Captain Preacher is joined by Lieutenant Jake Anderson an greedy man who will almost anything to get to the top but he does love bully beef and tinned fruit :-). Now is his chance to shine

A few miles outside of Deraa, Preacher thought a small patrol should have been enough but Anderson had other ideas it was high time the men saw action and why grab one prisoner when you could bag a whole company, that would get you noticed, So Anderson brought his entire command to hit the Frenchies hard, now a few miles outside your own lines it was too risky to send half of them back.

The two story building on the outside of compound looked to be the most likely vantage point for the French spotter, the Commonwealth forces could enter the table anywhere across the left hand side.

Anderson was lucky the French fearful of allied artillery had left the main vantage point clear of troops choosing instead to hold the compound and wheat field.

The allies advanced by the oasis laying down suppressive fire on the light French garrison.

The Legion were pinned in the field by the Commonwealth fire while a further squad edged closer up the wadi.

Realising their mistake French reinforcements rushed towards the undefended building as the Indian's rush forwards to bag the prize for themselves.

Preacher let rip tearing into the Senegalese who were rushing forwards, the colonial troops ran back looking to find cover where they could.

Lt Moulin gathers his men and led his men up the rise, so shocked were the Commonwealth that they fled the building.... (now they might tell you mission accomplished, but they also know thy rolled Double 6 twice in a row, forcing their defenders to retire).

Back behind the lines casualties were surprisingly light give the amount of lead in the air the platoon lost 3 men. One dead, One had a serious injury and One was missing feared left behind in the OP, lost in the scramble to escape the house on the hill.

The higher ups were pleased and managed to procure an extra MMG for future missions.

Game Three

The Vichy were on the back foot and picked defence, while the Allied Player yet again choose Attack, Commonwealth forces massed for an attack on Deraa but the French had left.

The Vichy had withdrawn from Deraa and were falling back to the North, the Commonwealth had followed up but there was no sign of the French, the Platoon holed up on the main road, the men given the choice of the shell damaged bunkers or the large compound, they mixed the main compound it had strong walls and a good view of the local vicinity.

Anderson tucked into his rations and looked out of the round tower brew in hand. Stone the crows those were Frenchies working there way through the fields to his front.

The Allies grabbed their rifles and manned the walls pouring fire into the Vichy forces, with the entire front to cover they had to appear outside their residence.

The attackers under a constant fire looked to flank the defenders, the Senegalese took a number of causalities crossing the track, as the Indian troops poured out of the compound to get a better view of the attackers however members of the legion were able to jump the rash Sikhs in the road beating them back and grabbing one of their number.

A slight victory for the French who had come looking for a prisoner, but the Indian's were fortunate to be in the right place at the right time. The platoon suffered one dead and several injured, who could be patched up.

As Anderson tended to his wounded, a runner came in the Battalion Adjutant wanted a word.


  1. An excellent duet of games there Stu....the tables look very attractive, and the narrative of the campaign is very entertaining.

    1. Thanks Keith, just glad my gaming gang are enjoying it.

  2. Great games linked with the narrative to make them memorable. Good use of map, photos and text to keep the report interesting. Wonder what battalion wants?

    1. Thanks for dropping by Panceri, what in deed, I need to roll a few dice before the next counter ;-)

  3. Good looking games Stu terrain buildings are lovely 👍

    1. Thanks Matt it's nice to get the toys on the table.

  4. Great to see this campaign moving along and as always a fine bunch of games there:).
