
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Fox holes - Western Desert - Iron Clad Miniatures.

Back to the Western Desert and some welcome cover for the foot sloggers, these fox holes are from Iron Clad Miniatures.

I had thought about creating my own and adding in half figures, but in the end opted for some more functional that can be moved around on the table top. The down side is the placements are quite high but a far comprise vs game play.

The CO gets something a little more sturdy with the sides shored up with planking, cast in resin these are really good value for money with two man fox holes at £4.00 and single for £2.00 

Enough for a section and supports all done in a day...

Next up the Germans get some extra fire power...


  1. Always tricky as to whether to go with half-figures for a more realistic look, or this route, where you can re-use them, move them out of the fox holes etc. I favour the latter as it's one less set of figures to paint!

    1. I could not agree more Steve, finding enough painting time is hard enough.

  2. Very nice and for once, very reasonably priced too. Good work all around Stu!

    1. Cheers Keith. Agreed very good value for money.
