
Sunday, August 20, 2023

Moroccan Colonial Infantry - Operation Exporter

Back to Operation Exporter and this time Moroccan Colonial infantry to bolster the French Forces.

Frustratingly I had painted several sections of very same figures for when I created a number of sections for the Spanish Civil War that would have been fine, but alas long sold on e-bay, so time to move these to the front of the paint queue.

Great castings from Empress Miniatures, I went for a number of drab Fez's to given them a later feel than the earlier colonial troops. The Officer is a Perry Miniatures Vichy Commander finish off the unit.

Most are rifle armed apart from the LMG team, they are a useful addition to the Vichy or Free French.

Slow progress on the mass ranks of Commonwealth forces, but hopefully these move the project on slightly.


  1. Great looking figures, Stu! I'm also painting up new figures for the ones I sold off years ago.

  2. Fine work there Stu and a pain to have to re-paint figures again, having sold them off. Easily done though...

    1. I knew I should have held my nerve Steve.

  3. This is why I follow a strict policy of never selling anything I might conceivably ever want again! I sold off an entire 25mm French Napoleonic infantry collection - but they were truly terrible figures from Warrior in Scotland (that are still available) where an entire army of over 100 figures cost me about $15 back in the late 70's - I got about $300 for them in the mid 90's in NZ! (And, I have NEVER regretted getting rid of them!)

    1. Oh, and the new figures look great by the way, Stu!

    2. I still have pangs about setting off my Boxers... that new dishwasher in the kitchen does not have the same appeal.
