
Friday, September 29, 2023

Operation Exporter - Free French Perry Miniatures.

Back in the swing of things.... Armed with a new found focus fresh troops roll of the paint production line. It's surprising how switch off the TV and devoting an hour before bed each evening gets things moving.

Applying the approach of no mini is left behind this is Free French squad made up on the last of the Perry's and Warlord figures, a mix of head gear and weapons but I am working on the assumption that parade ground standards drop a little when your 2 months in the field with temperatures hitting 100 degrees.

A 10 man section armed with an LMG and VB launcher means they do pack quite a punch when compared to the Brits.

Next up Australians keeping the theme going. I have urge to play these out in a wider campaign, bringing together the various forces, but perhaps blending it with elements of Platoon Forward. More on that later, right now it nice to be clearing down troops that have been staring back at me for a number of months...


  1. I'd like to see the Vichy French version. Pics I have seen show many in pith helmets.

    1. I did some earlier in my posts, using the German Sun Hats as they were very similar in design and style.

  2. Nicely done Stu and no parade ground uniforms in the desert 👍

  3. I like your philosophy mini left behind!

    1. It also frees up space in the draws to make way for new toys....

  4. Nice group. I would agree on the degrading of formal dress in prolonged campaign settings. Like the Rick outcroppings as well.

    1. They do make for a nice mix on the table.

  5. A nice looking force. I always think the white kepis look cool!

  6. Lovely work and uniformed appearance seems to have quickly evaporated due to the extreme nature of the desert theatre they were fighting in.

    1. They need that lived in feel to my eye Steve.
