
Sunday, September 03, 2023

Wyre Forest Gamers - All Dayer - Indian Mutiny.

You can't beat a BIG game and once again John from the Wyre Forest Club did not disappoint.

It's been years since I played Principles of War but they were a great for for this Indian Mutiny outing. 14th September 1857 and the East India Company are preparing to break into Delhi 

All 5 columns prepare to march on the gates against the rebellious Sepoys.

As the East India Company men advance their guns shell the walls looking to create a breach in the walls.

The mutineers spill out of Delhi and hold the raised ground to the front of the city walls, cavalry and infantry all itching to defeat their former comrades and officers.

The British forces cross the open ground as shot and shell fall amongst them.

High on opium the Bengal cavalry rush forward crashing into the English Cavalry.

Having defeated the Bengal Cavalry, the Company men launch their own assault on the high ground.

On the left flank Afghan cavalry charge forward to slow the Infantry's advance. They are beaten back but they had slowed the East Indian Company who had to stop and form up.

The Brits fought there way up the slope but the mutineers were able to fire short range artillery on to the attackers, many Sepoys fell but their sacrifice delayed the attackers long enough for the clock to run down.

A great days gaming.
Lots of toys on the table even if the result was a score draw..... Delhi will have to be taken another day.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks nice to get such a large amount of metal on the table.

  2. What a splendid game and I'm not sure our humble offering, set some hundred years before this, will match it for eye candy. At least we'll have elephants;).

    1. Very true, the only one on display was pulling a gun e, I shall have to have a word :-)

  3. You can’t beat a big game and that is a beautiful one 👍

    1. Thanks Matt, we do wonder where John keeps everything.....

  4. That really is a treat for the eye Stu, the terrain is particularly impressive, but the figures look great too!

    1. He casts his own - An absolute pleasure to play on.
