
Friday, October 20, 2023

Cotswold Day 2023 - Dust up in the Desert.

Thanks to Keith Flint for organising another great day of gaming in the heart of the Cotswolds. A fantastic bunch of gamers with some wonderful games on offer. Nice to meet up with some friendly faces and catch up on what projects are underway.

We opted for a big dust up in the desert with a combined German/Italian force taking on the British and Free French more on that later on. Sadly I was tethered to the table I did not get round to taking photo's but fortunately there are some great blog entries from fellow gamers here.

Wargames With Toy Soldiers: 1685 - 1985: Cotswold Wargames Day 2023 (

A relaxing day with plans already afoot for next year..... 

With plenty of space in the hall, it's a great opportunity to put on a large game. The Free French were holding the settlement with the German and Italian forces coming on three different axis roads, the allies had to hold the majority of the buildings by 4.00pm

Whilst the Axis forces planned their advance in the early morning sunshine, they returned to the hall to find the allies had placed wire and minefields to hinder their advance.

The Italians came on from the left and right flank a mix of light armour and infantry.

The allies were unmasked as the axis forces pushed at the perimeter 

As the hours ticked by the allies were being to be thinned out, but they hung on.

The cavalry arrives in the shape of a flying column of British light tanks and infantry, skirting the edge of the table they clattered into the flank of the Italians who threw everything they could at the attackers from engineers to flame tanks, but the tide was turning and the Italians and Germans were unable to secure the objective.

Fantastic fun with every player fully involved from start to finish with plenty of laughs along the way, what more can you ask for on a day out......


  1. Thanks for sharing, sadly I could not make it this year.


  2. Terrain, vehicles and figures look superb Stu and certainly sounds like it would have been a great day out!

    1. Keith has created quite an event, with the option to sell on unwanted toys.

  3. Lovely looking game and sounds like a good day out 👍

  4. Great to catch up with you Stu, albeit too briefly! Your game looked superb and it was lovely to see all the players fully engaged all day. Planning next year already? You're much better organised than me!

    1. Hopefully Steve I will be playing rather than umpiring next year ;-)

  5. Wonderful looking game and no doubt a good game.

    1. Good from from start to finish.... but sneaky Brits ruined the Italian party.
