
Sunday, November 12, 2023

Tactic II - Campaign game one - Patrol.

Despite the mass manoeuvre on the map the wargaming gods only spat out a Patrol game with the 14th Foot - The Yorkshire Regiment probing enemy territory and bumping into elements of the 2nd German Mountain Division.

Orders from the higher ups are simple sweep the table visiting the 4 corners and give the Germans a bloody nose if they encounter any enemy combatants.

I opted for a mix of light supports and 3 Bren Carriers to give me some mobility. A low roll on the support table give me a support element with an FAO. The table was rather open but fortunately a couple of adobe buildings were on my side of the table.

Despite the desert expanse the random deployment of Axis forces put them right opposite the British forces.

The Germans were slow to deploy, allowing the Brits to take up strong positions amongst the buildings and crops.

The mountain troops being veterans of previous campaigns they were on the wrong end of some lucky British rolls. The light mortar put the debussing Germans under fire, whilst a lucky 25 pdr shell off table hit the Sdkfz 222 before it could bring it's Auto Cannon into play. 
The Germans withdrew as quick as they had appeared.

The Bren Carriers and a section of Infantry set off to complete their patrol.

A good opening encounter for the Brits losing a mere 30 points to the Germans 180 Points. The Mountain unit are pushed back from the settlement of Abu Qir.
Advantage to the Allies as Abu Qir gives them a strong position to defend or strike out from as the campaign opens up. 


  1. Seemed like a very quick but successful game for the Brits there Stu, a nice way to kick off the campaign!

  2. Nice and simple and with campaigns, this action just weaves itself into the narrative whole:).

    1. Very true Steve, surprisingly enjoyable and evenly given my allied bias :-)

  3. That was a good win for the Brits!
