
Saturday, November 04, 2023

Warlord Games Bren Carrier Patrol.

I finished the Bren Carriers a few weeks ago, but they were lacking crew and did not look the part as empty shells. As I near the end of the Operation Exporter project time to clear up some of the last elements and clear the extras.

Nice simple kits to put together from Warlord Games, I mixed up the head gear with a mix of slouch hats, tin bins and turbans for the Indian troops.

Each of the carriers is armed with a Bren gun rather than a Boyes AT rifle. A great addition to the allied forces, I do have a couple of extra Bren Gun's to add to the top for air defence but worry that protruding out of the top of the vehicle they might imply drop off vs game play. Let's see......

Fire up the V8's and let's see how they do in battle.


  1. Bren gun carriers do look very cool Stu and I guess in the right era/setting, they can be useful - early war desert should suit them quite well I would imagine, whereas W Europe 1944, they would be a death trap!

    1. Bren carriers were used throughout WW2 and beyond. It was a very useful vehicle.

    2. Very true Keith but to bad for whizzing round the desert roads.

    3. Roll on future games…

  2. Fine work there Stu and nice to do a few head swaps too. I love these bits of kit, but very hard to use in a game, as they are rather vulnerable. Always nice to add new in field weapons additions to them, such as 0.5 cal MG's, Solothurn ATR's etc, but rather delicate for games play though:(.

    1. It the balance between a model and play ability but lets see.
