
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Brigand Cages of Rincón del diablo

No serious gaming yet but another fun Silver Bayonet Battle in the hunt for the remains of El-Cid.

After the last encounter the local priest tells you of a potential lead in the hunt. Local Guerrilla’s and Brigands had raided the tomb of El Cid and it’s rumoured that they had taken several relics and body parts. In the ruins of a local hamlet is a cage containing the body of what could be El Cid? 

Four brigands will be positioned within 2” of the cage, any further brigands will be placed 8” away from the cage in random directions in cover.

Brigands will never make a random move during the game, instead they will end their activation. Once the relic is secured if called upon to make a random move they will pursue the relic pieces, if they recapture the relic they will move to return it to the cage.

In the centre of the table the Cage containing the potential cadaver must be opened using the key or a successful test of 15 or greater.

Surrounding the Cage are 5 treasure tokens - but watch out for the leader of the Brigands - A Demon!!!

A – The keys to the cage no test required to open the cage.

K – Ancient Scroll – Add 2 Monster Dice to the fate pool.

Q – 2 Brigands entering from the corner of a random corner, who will move towards the cage.

J – Leader of the Brigands in a random house – closest to the cage or relic (Demon)

10 – Book of Demonic sketches – Add one skill dice and one Monster dice to the fate pool


Experience Points available.

+1 For opening the cage.

+2 Taking the relic off board

+1 for each 2 Brigands killed

+3 Killing the Demon

Turn 1 - A common enemy and for once players unite French, Spanish and British each take the opportunity to thin the defenders in the square to open away to the Cage.

The Spanish make there way towards the cage clearing the house over looking the cage, could this be another win and a 3rd body part?

You have to watch your back as the player with the lowest initiative gets to place a further brigand usually behind the player making the most progress. Fortunately the Spanish had a marksman to suppress the sneaking outlaws.


War erupts yet again between the British and the French, The red coats could not resist a pot shot at the French in the open. Before the French fire a volley back.

As the Spanish rattle the cage unable to prise the lock, the doctor from the second British unit having grabbed the keys rushes towards the cage, only to be shot down by the French. Who in a moment of madness firer on every nationality in sight.

The Demon is discovered and rises up from the Crypt.

With blessed weapons the British fire on the Demon.

As the Demon chases down any character near the cage, the French rush in and crack open the cage before running for the table edge as musket balls whistle past their ears.

The Demon is felled by British musket fire, but spoils for all, the Spanish racked up plenty of brigand kills whilst the French now hold the 4th piece of El Cid. 

Next up the final piece is tracked down before the grand showdown.


  1. Glad to see the game played on such a nice table, very atmospheric.

  2. Another cracking game there Stu and took me right back to my Mordheim days. Looking forward to the grand finale!

    BTW, I saw that Amazon are showing The Water Margin tv series on the Freevee platform. I watched the first episode last night. I think it fair to say it hasn't aged well compared to modern films, but the actors were doing all their own stunts as far as I could see. Great storyline thought and pure nostalgia! I think it's screaming for a re-make...

  3. Outstanding set up well done Paul

  4. What a tremendous looking game Stuart!

  5. Great stuff once again Stu - Silver Bayonet looks like it could be a lot of fun!

  6. That was a great night, loads of fun and good to get the town to a table
