
Friday, January 05, 2024

Silver Bayonet - 4 way encounter - Bring out your dead.

A little behind on posts - The last game of 2023 and the usual skulduggery as the hunt for El-Cid's body parts continues.

This time 4 players and an additional British player.... unsurprisingly the Brits played nicely together whilst a cautious cease fire existed amongst the French and Spanish although to be fair everyone had their hands full with the undead and vampires to really focus on the living opponents.

The chapel surrounded by multiple grave stones together with plenty of dead to keep our parties happy, buried in the grounds under one of 4 clue markers was another bit of El-Cid

The British combine their efforts taking down several cadavers as the remainder of the Brits make there way through the gated cemetery.

The Brits were distracted by their mission by the arrival of a Vampire swooping in feast on the Brits, good job they had Abu all the way from India to save their skins.

With the church grounds full of undead, the French looked to lead them away by appearing at a hole in the wall, the undead only had one thing in mind human brains.... the sneaky French.

All way going to plan as Claude trudged off across the marsh with the undead shambling behind.

However the arrival of another Vampire ruined the French plans - Brother Bronte was left to face the foul creature, a holy symbol provided some protection - But he really needed a silver weapon.

As the Spanish contented themselves with dispatched zombies for point, the Brits ran in to unearth and grab El-Cid's body part, it was close as the French shot a a few of the Brits down as they fought off the returning horde. But the Brits carried the day.

3 of the 5 parts of El-Cid have now been found.

Spanish 2.
Brits 1.

If you want an unbiased view you can find the a view from the British lines - Silver Bayonet on a school night! | movealongnownothingtoseehere

Stay tuned for round 4 as the search continues.....  


  1. Great fun there Stu, look forward to the next episode!

    1. It's amazing put the same tunic on and both sides band together :-)

  2. Great game- looks great and a load of fun. Thanks for posting.

  3. Very cool set up and nice AAR Stu, nice to see some undead Napoleonic miniatures, brains entree anyone...

  4. Now that is a really nice looking game and lots of fun to, with a neat background story to it too! So now I wonder if one side can get all of El-Cid together, can he be re-animated to fight for them...?

    1. Just thinking about what we do with him now ;-)

  5. Looks a good scenario. The game has a lovely layout and figures

  6. Great looking table & interesting campaign!
